

Test case organization refers to the structured arrangement and management of test cases in a systematic manner to ensure efficient execution and maintenance of software tests. It involves grouping and classifying test cases based on certain criteria like functionality, module, user journey, or test type (unit, integration, system, etc.). Good test case organization improves test coverage, makes tests easier to find, understand and maintain, and supports prioritization and selection of tests for execution. It's common to use directories, files, naming conventions, and comments to organize test cases in code. In addition, test management tools often provide features for organizing test cases, such as folders, tags, or links to requirements. Proper organization of test cases is crucial for large test suites and teams, and it's an important part of test strategy and planning.


  1. Maximizing Test Efficiency with Parallelism in Playwright

    Let's dive into managing worker processes, parallelizing tests in a single file, and controlling the test order for the best possible efficiency.

    Luc Gagan
  2. Organizing Playwright Tests using Tags

    As a software QA engineer, you know how important it is to maintain a well-structured and organized test suite. This is especially true when working with tools like Playwright, which offer a powerful and flexible way to automate browser testing. In this article, we will explore how to effectively organize your Playwright tests using tags, helping you to keep your test suite clean, efficient, and easy to maintain.

    Luc Gagan


Playwright Tutorial | Tags in Playwright | Tagging Tests
Playwright Tutorial | Tags in Playwright | Tagging Tests
Get started with end-to-end testing: Playwright | Episode 2 - Getting Started
Get started with end-to-end testing: Playwright | Episode 2 - Getting Started
Playwright C# - Using RunSettings
Playwright C# - Using RunSettings
Playing Your Tests Wright with VS Code
Playing Your Tests Wright with VS Code
How to Code a Test Automation on Youtube | Playwright JS
How to Code a Test Automation on Youtube | Playwright JS
Playwright Tutorial:  Re-use state & Re-use Authentication
Playwright Tutorial: Re-use state & Re-use Authentication
Playwright web table concept | Playwright Typescript tutorial - Part 92
Playwright web table concept | Playwright Typescript tutorial - Part 92
Playwright - Set timeout, parallelisation and retries directly in your test files
Playwright - Set timeout, parallelisation and retries directly in your test files
How to Install Playwright Test
How to Install Playwright Test
How to download file & attach to report | Playwright Tutorial part - 68
How to download file & attach to report | Playwright Tutorial part - 68
Playwright Test Runner Skip on Failure | Playwright Tutorial - Part 46
Playwright Test Runner Skip on Failure | Playwright Tutorial - Part 46
Playwright Version 1.14 | Playwright Tutorial - Part 45
Playwright Version 1.14 | Playwright Tutorial - Part 45
Playwright Base URL | Playwright Tutorial - Part 39
Playwright Base URL | Playwright Tutorial - Part 39
Tags in Test | Playwright Tutorial - Part 40
Tags in Test | Playwright Tutorial - Part 40
Playwright Test Runner | Playwright - Part 22
Playwright Test Runner | Playwright - Part 22
Jest Sequential & Parallel Execution | Playwright - Part 20
Jest Sequential & Parallel Execution | Playwright - Part 20


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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].