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Playwright POM fixture navigation issue in VS Code

muhammadasifnaseerposted in #help-playwright
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There is an issue with Playwright pom fixture navigation in VS Code. Any work around for this issue. In pomfixture i create objects of the classes and use those objects in spec file in test scenario. for example i have a class Login and i created login object and use this object in spec file in test and in Login class there is a method called Registration now i am using this method in spec file like " test('Login', async ({login}) => {



Now i am unable to go to Registration methods's defination using VS code. Need solution for this

This thread is trying to answer question "How can I navigate to a method's definition in a Playwright POM fixture in VS Code?"

1 reply

You need to provide type information for the POM fixture in some way. If you're using TypeScript, it should be automatic. If you're using JavaScript, you need to write type information using JSDocs.


Here's how you can navigate to the 'registration' method's definition using the 'login' object in your spec file in Visual Studio Code:

  1. Open your spec file.
  2. Find the 'login' object.
  3. Right-click on the 'login' object and select "Go to Definition" or press F12.

This will take you to the 'login' object's definition. From there, you can find the 'registration' method.

If there are multiple 'login' objects, VS Code will show a list of options. Choose the correct one.

You may need to search across files using "Find All References" or "Find Symbol" if there are multiple files related to login and registration.

Ensure you've set up your project configurations and dependencies for Playwright and imported relevant modules or classes into your spec file.

This guide is based on general VS Code navigation and doesn't reference any specific Playwright documentation.

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