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What options does Playwright have when it comes to separate a project into two or more?

.aleksandaraleksandrovposted in #help-playwright
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I have written tests for the FO and the BO of the app. I have 2 storageStates - 1 for FO and another for BO.

How can I separate the FO tests from the BO tests and run them separately and still use the storageState that I need to use.

I got a hint, but I don't know if it will work:

In config const FO_CONFIG = { name: 'FO', use: { //baseURL: 'https://example.com', storageState: './badautomation.json' }, };

const BO_CONFIG = { name: 'BO', use: { //baseURL: 'https://example.com/admin', storageState: './[BO]badautomation.json' }, };

projects: [ FO_CONFIG, BO_CONFIG, ]

Put the files if different folders, but then the testDir: './tests/dir/' is only one.

This thread is trying to answer question "How can I separate the FO tests from the BO tests and run them separately and still use the storageState that I need to use in Playwright?"

23 replies

You can use the projects for that purpose, in the way you're thinking of.

You can also have a testDir per project. https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-testproject#test-project-test-dir

Only disadvantage of this approach is that it cannot be combined with cross-browser testing. You can only use projects for one 'dimension'.

So an alternative is to have multiple config files. There is a -c command line option to pass the name of the configuration file. https://playwright.dev/docs/test-cli#reference


In config const FO_CONFIG = { name: 'FO', use: { testdir: "./fo", storageState: './badautomation.json' }, };

const BO_CONFIG = { name: 'BO', use: { testdir: './bo', storageState: './[BO]badautomation.json' }, };

projects: [ FO_CONFIG, BO_CONFIG, ]

I could not ran the tests from the testdir, but I will try to use it later. To update the matter, I included greps to the testnames and I can select certain tests that I want @fo and @bo.


Okay, to continue with my quest: I am still trying to separate the project into 2 parts:

const FO_CONFIG = { name: 'fo', use: { testDir: './tests/badAutoReg/fo', testMatch: /(.*)-fo.spec.ts$/, retries: 1, //baseURL: 'https://example.com', storageState: './badautomation.json', }, };

const BO_CONFIG = { name: 'bo', use: { testDir: './tests/badAutoReg/bo', testMatch: /(.*)-bo.spec.ts$/, //baseURL: 'https://example.com/admin', storageState: './[BO]badautomation.json' }, };

module.exports = defineConfig({ //testDir: './tests/badAutoReg/', //<------------- /badAutoReg/ }, /* Configure projects for major browsers / projects: [ // Testing Separation Front Office / Back Office

when I run "npx playwright test --project=fo" all the tests run, this "testMatch: /(.*)-fo.spec.ts$/" and "testDir: './tests/badAutoReg/fo'" does not matter at all


Is the playwright.config.ts in the same directory as where you run the npx playwright test command?

Otherwise it won't find the config file. You can use the -c option to pass the path to the config file.

https://playwright.dev/docs/test-cli#reference -c <file> or --config <file>

At the moment that's the only cause I can think of.


Hello refactoreric, you can see my config file and its content.

I have screenshotted the whole project.

npx playwright test --project=fo this still runs all the tests

the only way I could run only the "front-office" side of the project is -> npx playwright test --project=fo --grep=@fo


npx playwright test --project=fo -c playwright.config.js This line does not work for me, still all the tests are being executed


Hello @tallyb, could you have a quick look at What am I doing wrong? ๐Ÿ™‚


Does it help to rename the playwright.config.js to playwright.config.ts (js to ts)? Normally tests and config file should be both JavaScript or both TypeScript, I think.

Have you tried putting the logic inside the projects key, and not passing it from the variables you created?

@.aleksandaraleksandrov - move testDir out of the use in the projects and remove it from the main module.exports. This is what determines the tests to run

@.aleksandaraleksandrov - if it was TS and not JS you would get type errors on it, I believe


Thank you, will try and inform you on the matter ๐Ÿ™‚

@5u21: I have tried putting it into projects even added testIgnore regex. It is not working. projects: [ { name: 'bo', use: { testDir: './tests/badAutoReg/bo', testMatch: /^bo-(.*).spec.ts$/, testIgnore: /^fo-(.*).spec.ts$/, //baseURL: 'https://example.com/admin', storageState: './[BO]badautomation.json', use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome' ] }, retries: 1, }, }, { name: 'fo', use: { testDir: './tests/badAutoReg/fo', testMatch: /^fo-(.*).spec.ts$/, testIgnore: /^bo-(.*).spec.ts$/, retries: 1, //baseURL: 'https://example.com', storageState: './badautomation.json', use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome' ] }, }, }, The strange thing is that the storageState is working when I call a test like this "npx playwright test "bo-UserGroups.spec.ts" --project=bo --headed" But still when I run npx playwright test --project=bo --headed -> all the tests has been run.

I have tried putting it into projects even added testIgnore regex. It is not working.

projects: [ { name: 'bo', use: { testDir: './tests/badAutoReg/bo', testMatch: /^bo-(.).spec.ts$/, testIgnore: /^fo-(.).spec.ts$/, //baseURL: 'https://example.com/admin', storageState: './[BO]badautomation.json', use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome' ] }, retries: 1, }, }, { name: 'fo', use: { testDir: './tests/badAutoReg/fo', testMatch: /^fo-(.).spec.ts$/, testIgnore: /^bo-(.).spec.ts$/, retries: 1, //baseURL: 'https://example.com', storageState: './badautomation.json', use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome' ] }, }, },

The strange thing is that the storageState is working when I call a test like this "npx playwright test "bo-UserGroups.spec.ts" --project=bo --headed"

But still when I run npx playwright test --project=bo --headed -> all the tests has been run.


@tallyb I commented out testDir from the 2 projects and the module.exports -> still when I run a single test "npx playwright test "bo-UserGroups.spec.ts" --project=bo --headed" it works

when I run npx playwright test --project=bo --headed -> all the tests has been run. From both the projects ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

@refactoreric: It does not help. But yes it is advisable, but when files are in TS i think the config should be .josn

It does not help. But yes it is advisable, but when files are in TS i think the config should be .josn

when this file is TS - the file is ts, not json.

Do not put inside the use:

{name: 'fo', testDir: '...', testMatch: '*.spec.ts', retries: 1, use: { baseURL: '...'}}


@tallyb, thank you for the clarification. This works ๐Ÿ™‚

projects: [ { name: 'bo', testDir: './tests/badAutoReg/bo', testMatch: /^bo-(.).spec.ts$/, testIgnore: /^fo-(.).spec.ts$/, retries: 1, use: { //baseURL: 'https://example.com/admin', storageState: './[BO]badautomation.json', ...devices['Desktop Chrome'], }, },

@tallyb: Ah yeah, I totally missed that.

Ah yeah, I totally missed that.

the test match is looking only under the specified testDir, so you can avoid the regex on the testMatch.


Will do, thank you again ๐Ÿ™‚


Running Front-End and Back-End Tests Separately with Playwright

You can easily separate front-end (FO) and back-end (BO) tests in Playwright by defining separate projects in your playwright.config.ts file. Here's how you do it:

import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
  projects: [
      name: 'FO',
      testMatch: /frontend\.spec\.ts/,
      use: {
        ...devices['Desktop Chrome'],
        storageState: STORAGE_STATE,
      name: 'BO',
      testMatch: /backend\.spec\.ts/,

In this setup, the FO project runs tests matching the frontend.spec.ts pattern and uses a specific storage state. The BO project runs tests matching the backend.spec.ts pattern.

Next, organize your tests into separate files:

// frontend.spec.ts
import { test } from '@playwright/test';

test('Frontend Test 1', async ({ page }) => {
  // Test logic here

// backend.spec.ts
import { test } from '@playwright/test';

test('Backend Test 1', async ({ page }) => {
  // Test logic here

To run only FO or BO tests, specify the project name:

npx playwright test --project=FO // Run only FO tests
npx playwright test --project=BO // Run only BO tests

This way, Playwright executes the corresponding tests based on their file patterns and configurations. The FO tests will use the specified storage state, allowing you to reuse login credentials and avoid logging in for each individual FO test. The BO tests, on the other hand, will not use any storage state.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.