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Page hangs after navigation. DOM exception is thrown only in playwright

Hi all, I hit a weird problem, on the page I have something like survey, you hear audio description e.g dog, cat, house, and you need to point images with these items. When I start this survey, there is some "middle page" with loader and setup data, at least this is my assumption as this page is unfortunately black box for me. And here starts the problem, I get below error,
DOMException: Failed to execute "decodeAudioData" on "BaseAudioContext": Unable to decode audio data Error : undefined I'm using .net version, I checked same case on node version with all default setting and I get same error.

When I'm using a normal browser, everything seems to work so my assumption is this can be some setting or flag passed when playwright is starting the browser by I have no idea where to look for it. Maybe someone had similar issue or know if there is any setting that can allow ignoring this error(I don't need audio) or any place I could look for what is wrong?

Regards Lukasz

This thread is trying to answer question "How can I ignore or resolve a DOMException error related to 'decodeAudioData' on 'BaseAudioContext' that occurs in Playwright but not in a normal browser?"

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