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How to run test in VS code extension by there tags?

bronzebearduaposted in #help-playwright
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I have a set of test that have a specific tag in the there name (@smoke for example) I know that you can run them from the console via -g/--grep parameter but how do you do that in extension?

This thread is trying to answer question "How to run tests in a VS code extension using specific tags?"

9 replies

I have the same question. When I try and seach with the @tag in the extension, it doesnt work.


the test explorer seems to imply it will work.


reply to myself (after creating an account to answer my own question). The problem is the ui implies that you should put the @symbol as a part of your query... BUT the @symbol is a special character n the filter.


could use 'tag_xxx' -g is a regex after all..


@d3333333 , thanks for the reply. If you have a minute, can you point me at any doc or examples to take this further? (I am trying to do an additive filter, like to find a testcase that has more than one tag , like @regression and @level1


I think I get what you mean. by Adding another thing called "tag_regression" it is searchable in the testexplorer like I expected. I was hoping to use the tag itself to avoid duplication of effort. I have raised an improvement in the project in github.

should be able as it is a regex ".+tag_(bvt|smoke|integration|full|login|customer).*" would run any test with:

tag_bvt tag_smoke tag_... -- for those in your regex

i was thnking from the comandline, looks like the vs code extension you can't use a regex.... seems lame. I have to run my tests in docker and from the command line... sorry for the confusion


@d3333333 , thanks for your reply. I appreciate your thoughts.

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