

Test reliability in software testing refers to the consistency of the test results over multiple test runs under the same conditions. A reliable test produces the same output given the same input, regardless of how many times it is executed. This is crucial because inconsistent test results can lead to uncertainty about the software's correctness, wasted debugging time, and potential missed defects. Factors that can influence test reliability include intermittent failures, timing issues, and dependencies on external systems or resources. Efforts to improve test reliability often focus on isolating tests, using test doubles such as mocks or stubs to control dependencies, ensuring clean and consistent test data, and handling potential timing issues.


  1. Exploring the Various Retry APIs of Playwright for Robust Testing

    The built-in retry mechanisms for locators and matchers in Playwright are well-known, but are you acquainted with the retry and polling APIs? Let's delve into Playwright's different retry APIs and their use cases.

    Luc Gagan


How to have confidence in your playwright tests - Using Repeat-each
How to have confidence in your playwright tests - Using Repeat-each


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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.