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This shtik of @??? acting clueless while @debbieobrien “walks” him through new features feels really cringe. When discussing locator.pressSequentially and misc. stuff @??? was suddenly knowledgeable on these new features. Can we have a well written blog post to accompany whatever these two decide is the flavor of the week for the video?

This thread is trying to answer question "Can we have a well written blog post to accompany whatever these two decide is the flavor of the week for the video?"

7 replies

Release notes and documentation contain all the info if you don’t like the video

Do you see a link to release notes or documentation anywhere in the announcement message?

I think the Playwright team is doing a great job at these release videos. I'm thinking to do a group watch session of it in our QA bi-weekly meeting because the videos are explaining best practices and new features better than I can, and with great enthusiasm.

Doing those group watch sessions would make the QA community more efficient with the tools and prevent a whole number of unnecessary PR review comments.

Enthusiasm can be expressed without feigning cluelessness.

Actually we work on different things. Lusha didn’t work on or create UI modes new features so he only learnt about them for/during the video. And I only learnt about miscellaneous stuff. Thats just how it is. But thanks for the feedback. We shall take it into account for next time

@debbieobrien: I was surprised but it worked. Continue to surprise us. In general very much about ui mode this year , cool functionality but we also have many show stoppers . Example is the lack of support for client certificates.

I was surprised but it worked. Continue to surprise us. In general very much about ui mode this year , cool functionality but we also have many show stoppers . Example is the lack of support for client certificates.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.