Hello! I am trying to write tests in staging for a CMS asset that uses a staging API to display images/descriptions. However, a part of the staging API is inoperable and I need to redirect to the production API for these particular tests to work. I tried using Requestly but wasn't able to figure out how to extend coverage of their redirect rules to more than one Chrome profile.
Does anyone have any recs on how I can redirect to the prod API instead of the staging API?
This thread is trying to answer question "How can I redirect to the production API instead of the staging API?"
You could mock the responses in the test? I have used this with GraphQl so the information in the UI of our application is static and can be reliably pixel matched.
`import { Page } from "@playwright/test";
const getQueryOperationName = (query: string): string => { const operationNameRegex = /(?<=query\s).*(?=\s{)/; const operationNameList: string[] | null = query.match(operationNameRegex); return operationNameList ? operationNameList[0] : ``; };
const getMutationOperationName = (query: string): string => { const operationNameRegex = /(?<=muatation\s).*(?=\s{)/; const operationNameList: string[] | null = query.match(operationNameRegex); return operationNameList ? operationNameList[0] : ``; };
const hasOperationName = (query: string, operationName: string): boolean => getQueryOperationName(query) === operationName || getMutationOperationName(query) === operationName;
export const mockGraphQlRequest = async ( page: Page, operationName: string, operationResponse: object ) => { await page.route(
, async (route) => { const body: { query: string } = route.request().postDataJSON(); const query = body.query;if (hasOperationName(query, operationName)) { route.fulfill({ status: 200, contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(operationResponse), }); } else { route.fulfill({ status: 500, contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify({ message: "Internal Server Error" }), }); }
}); }; `
Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].