
How do I configure retries in Playwright Test for my UI test suite?


Configuring Retries in Playwright Test

Yes, you can add extra retries in Playwright Test. By default, failing tests aren't retried. But, you can enable retries using the --retries flag. For instance, to give failing tests 3 retry attempts, run npx playwright test --retries=3.

You can also set retries in the configuration file (playwright.config.ts). Here's how:

import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
  retries: 3,

Playwright Test categorizes tests into "passed", "flaky", and "failed". You can check if a test is being retried by accessing testInfo.retry.

To specify different numbers of retries for specific tests, use test.describe.configure(). If you want to ensure that dependent tests always run together and in order while still benefiting from retries, use test.describe.serial().

If you need to reuse a single Page object between multiple tests, create your own Page object in test.beforeAll() and close it in test.afterAll().

In summary, Playwright Test provides various options for configuring retries. You can enable retries globally or specify them for specific tests. By leveraging these features, you can improve the reliability of your test suite by automatically retrying flaky tests until they pass.

For more information on handling flaky tests, check out this blog post.


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