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Definition of System Integration Testing

System integration testing is a technique to evaluate the entirety of a software application. It checks if both the functional and hardware components of the software harmonize.
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Questions about System Integration Testing?

Basics and Importance

  • What is System Integration Testing?

    System Integration Testing (SIT) is a testing phase where different system components, modules, or services are integrated and tested as a group to uncover defects in the interactions between integrated units. It occurs after unit testing and before system testing. SIT ensures that the integrated components function together as intended and that data flows correctly between them.

    During SIT, testers focus on the interfaces and data flow between modules. They verify that the system behaves according to the integration specifications and that it can handle tasks in a real-world scenario as a cohesive unit. This includes testing APIs, web services, microservices, database connections, and other interaction points.

    Test cases for SIT are derived from the integration design and requirements specifications. They often involve end-to-end scenarios that cover multiple components and can include both positive and negative test cases to ensure robustness.

    SIT can be performed in various environments, such as development, test, or staging environments, depending on the organization's infrastructure and practices. It's crucial to have a controlled test environment that closely mimics the production environment to ensure accurate results.

    For effective SIT, testers may need access to logs, monitoring tools, and debugging capabilities to trace issues back to their source. The use of test data management strategies is also important to ensure that tests are repeatable and that data sets are representative of production data.

  • Why is System Integration Testing important?

    System Integration Testing (SIT) is crucial because it ensures that various system components or applications, when combined, function cohesively and meet the intended requirements. It validates the interactions between modules and detects interface defects, which are critical to resolving before deployment. SIT helps to verify that integrated units work together seamlessly, providing confidence in the stability and reliability of the overall system. This testing phase is essential for identifying issues that unit tests, which focus on individual components, cannot catch. By conducting SIT, teams can uncover and address integration and data flow issues early, reducing the risk of costly fixes post-release. It also supports compliance with specified integration and data exchange standards, which is particularly important in systems that must adhere to industry regulations.

  • What are the key differences between System Integration Testing and Unit Testing?

    Unit Testing and System Integration Testing (SIT) differ primarily in scope, granularity, and objectives.

    Unit Testing focuses on the smallest parts of the software, typically individual functions or methods. It is conducted early in the development cycle and aims to ensure that each unit operates correctly in isolation. Test cases are written and executed by developers, often using frameworks like JUnit or NUnit. Mock objects and test doubles are commonly employed to simulate the behavior of dependencies.

    In contrast, System Integration Testing evaluates the interactions between integrated units or systems. SIT checks that modules or services work together as intended, identifying interface defects and data flow issues. It is performed after unit testing, often by a separate QA team. SIT requires a more complex setup, including the configuration of the actual environment where the components interact.

    While unit tests are white-box (internal structure known to testers), SIT can be black-box (focusing on inputs and outputs without knowledge of internal workings). Unit tests are automated for rapid feedback, whereas SIT may combine automated and manual testing due to the complexity of interactions.

    In summary, unit testing is about ensuring the correctness of individual components, while SIT verifies the functionality and reliability of their interactions. Both are critical, but they serve different purposes and are conducted at different stages of the software development lifecycle.

  • What are the benefits of System Integration Testing?

    Benefits of System Integration Testing (SIT) include:

    • Ensures Interoperability: Validates that different system modules or services work together as intended.
    • Detects Interface Defects: Identifies issues related to data exchange and interaction between integrated components.
    • Verifies Functional Compliance: Confirms that the system meets specified requirements when components are combined.
    • Facilitates Regression Testing: Helps in checking that new code changes do not adversely affect existing integrated components.
    • Reduces Risk of Failures: By testing early in the integration phase, it minimizes the risk of system failures in production.
    • Improves Quality: Leads to a higher quality product by focusing on the interaction between integrated units.
    • Supports Incremental Testing: Allows for testing in stages, which is beneficial for identifying issues in complex systems.
    • Enables End-to-End Testing Scenarios: Provides a way to execute and validate end-to-end workflows that span multiple system components.
    • Clarifies Dependencies: Helps in understanding and managing the dependencies between different system modules.
    • Aids in Verification of Non-functional Requirements: Such as performance, reliability, and scalability, which are difficult to assess at a unit level.

    By focusing on these benefits, SIT contributes to delivering a robust and reliable software system that aligns with both functional and non-functional requirements.

  • What are the potential consequences of skipping System Integration Testing?

    Skipping System Integration Testing (SIT) can lead to several negative outcomes:

    • Undetected Integration Issues: Without SIT, integration defects between modules or systems may remain undiscovered, potentially causing failures in production.
    • Increased Risk: The risk of system failures and business disruption escalates, as the system's ability to operate under real-world scenarios is not thoroughly tested.
    • Costly Fixes: Defects found later in the development cycle, or post-release, are often more expensive to fix due to the complexity of the integrated environment.
    • Poor User Experience: Users may encounter unexpected behavior, crashes, or data inconsistencies, leading to dissatisfaction and loss of trust in the application.
    • Inaccurate Data: Data flow issues between systems can result in corrupted data, impacting decision-making and operations.
    • Non-compliance: Failing to conduct SIT might lead to non-compliance with regulatory standards that require evidence of testing and quality assurance processes.
    • Delayed Releases: Unforeseen issues discovered late in the development process can delay product launches and updates, impacting market competitiveness and revenue.
    • Resource Wastage: More resources may be required to handle the fallout of skipped SIT, including increased support calls, manual workarounds, and emergency patches.

    In summary, bypassing SIT can compromise the stability, reliability, and performance of the software, leading to higher costs, customer dissatisfaction, and potential reputational damage.

Techniques and Approaches

  • What are the different techniques used in System Integration Testing?

    Different techniques in System Integration Testing (SIT) include:

    • Big Bang Integration: All components or systems are integrated simultaneously, after which everything is tested as a whole. This approach is less common due to the high complexity and difficulty in isolating defects.

    • Incremental Integration: Systems or components are integrated one at a time until the entire system is integrated. This can be further divided into:

      • Top-Down Integration: Integration testing starts from the top-level modules and progresses down the hierarchy, using stubs for lower-level modules not yet integrated.
      • Bottom-Up Integration: Begins with the lowest or innermost components and progresses upward, using drivers to simulate higher-level modules not yet integrated.
      • Functional Incremental Integration: Integration and testing are based on the functionality or functionality groups, which might not adhere strictly to top-down or bottom-up approaches.
    • Continuous Integration: Code changes are automatically tested and merged frequently, ensuring that integration issues are detected and addressed early.

    • Subsystem Integration: Large systems are divided into subsystems, which are integrated and tested separately before integrating into the main system.

    • Critical Module Integration: Focuses on integrating and testing critical or high-risk modules first, before the rest of the system.

    • System of Systems Integration: Involves integrating multiple independent systems, each with its own lifecycle, into a larger system that delivers unique capabilities.

    Each technique has its own context of applicability and can be chosen based on the specific requirements, risks, and constraints of the project.

  • What is the difference between top-down and bottom-up approaches in System Integration Testing?

    In System Integration Testing (SIT), the top-down and bottom-up approaches are strategies for combining modules and components into a cohesive system.

    The top-down approach starts with high-level modules and progressively integrates lower-level modules using stubs to simulate the behavior of the lower-level modules not yet integrated. This method allows for early validation of major functionalities and user interfaces, but may delay the testing of lower-level components and their interactions.

    // Example of a high-level module calling a stub in a top-down approach
    function highLevelFunction() {
      // Placeholder for lower-level module
      return stubFunction();
    function stubFunction() {
      // Simulated behavior of the not-yet-integrated lower-level module
      return "Expected result from lower-level module";

    Conversely, the bottom-up approach begins with the integration of the lowest-level modules, using drivers to manage and test their interfaces, and then moves upward to integrate with higher-level modules. This allows for thorough testing of critical foundational components early on but may postpone the testing of end-to-end functionality and system interfaces.

    // Example of a low-level module being tested with a driver in a bottom-up approach
    function lowLevelFunction() {
      // Actual implementation of a low-level module
      return "Result from low-level module";
    function driverFunction() {
      // Invokes the low-level module for testing
      return lowLevelFunction();

    Choosing between top-down and bottom-up approaches depends on the project context, such as the criticality of high-level functionalities versus core components, and the availability of modules for integration.

  • What is sandwich testing in System Integration Testing?

    Sandwich testing, also known as hybrid integration testing, combines both the top-down and bottom-up approaches to System Integration Testing. It is executed by testing the middle layers of a system's architecture first, then progressively integrating and testing the higher and lower levels simultaneously. This method allows for testing the interaction between various integrated components in the middle of the system while stubs and drivers are used to simulate the behavior of the upper and lower levels until they are ready for integration.

    In sandwich testing, the system is viewed as having three layers:

    1. Top layer - User interface and associated components.
    2. Middle layer - Business logic and related functionalities.
    3. Bottom layer - Data models and database interactions.

    Testing begins in the middle layer, ensuring that the core of the application's functionality is working correctly before the other layers are integrated. Once the middle is stable, testers work their way outwards to the top and bottom layers, using stubs and drivers as placeholders for the not-yet-integrated components.

    This approach is particularly useful when the middle layer is ready for testing before the top and bottom layers. It allows for early detection of defects in the central part of the system, which can be critical to the application's overall functionality. Sandwich testing can be more complex to set up and manage due to the simultaneous involvement of both top-down and bottom-up processes, but it can provide a more comprehensive integration coverage in certain scenarios.

  • What is the role of stubs and drivers in System Integration Testing?

    Stubs and drivers are essential components in System Integration Testing (SIT), particularly when employing incremental integration testing strategies such as top-down or bottom-up approaches.

    Stubs are used in top-down integration testing. They simulate lower-level modules that have not yet been developed or integrated. Stubs provide predetermined responses to the calls made by the higher-level modules, allowing testers to isolate and test the upper layers of the software stack without waiting for all components to be completed.

    function stubModule() {
      return "Stub response";

    Drivers, on the other hand, are used in bottom-up integration testing. They act as temporary replacements for higher-level modules, invoking functionalities in the lower-level modules that are ready for testing. Drivers are particularly useful when the user interface or controlling module is not yet developed but the underlying services need to be tested.

    function driverModule() {

    Both stubs and drivers are types of test doubles—simplified implementations that mimic the behavior of real components within the system. They enable testers to focus on integrating and validating specific sections of the system in isolation, thereby identifying interface defects and ensuring that modules interact correctly. By using stubs and drivers, teams can maintain momentum in testing activities even when all components are not available, thus supporting a more efficient and continuous testing process.

  • How is risk-based testing applied in System Integration Testing?

    Risk-based testing in System Integration Testing (SIT) involves prioritizing test scenarios based on the risk of potential defects and their impact on the system. This strategy ensures that the most critical integration paths and functionalities are tested first, optimizing the testing effort for potential issues that could cause the greatest harm to the project or end-users.

    To apply risk-based testing in SIT:

    1. Identify Risks: Determine which integrations are most crucial and which potential defects would have the highest impact on operations, data integrity, security, or user experience.
    2. Assess and Rank Risks: Evaluate the likelihood of each risk occurring and the severity of its impact. Use a risk matrix to prioritize testing efforts.
    3. Design Test Cases: Create test cases that target the high-risk areas first. Ensure these test cases are thorough and cover various scenarios, including edge cases.
    4. Execute Tests: Run the tests, starting with the highest priority ones. Automated test scripts can be particularly useful here for efficiency and consistency.
    5. Review and Adjust: As testing progresses, continuously reassess risks based on findings. Adjust the testing focus if new risks emerge or if initial risk assessments change.

    By focusing on the most significant risks during SIT, teams can better allocate their time and resources, reduce the likelihood of high-impact defects slipping through, and increase the overall robustness of the system before it goes into production.

Tools and Technologies

  • What tools are commonly used for System Integration Testing?

    Common tools for System Integration Testing (SIT) include:

    • Selenium: An open-source tool for automating web browsers. It supports multiple languages and browsers.

    • Postman: Widely used for API testing, allowing testers to send HTTP requests and analyze responses.

    • SoapUI: A tool for testing SOAP and REST web services, focusing on API testing.

    • JMeter: An Apache project used for performance testing and analyzing and measuring the performance of various services.

    • TestComplete: A commercial tool that supports desktop, mobile, and web application testing.

    • Rational Integration Tester (IBM): Designed for continuous integration and system integration testing, especially in complex environments.

    • Tosca Testsuite (Tricentis): A continuous testing platform that supports a wide range of technologies and platforms.

    • HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT): A widely recognized tool for functional and regression testing, with a feature set that supports SIT.

    • Ranorex: A GUI test automation framework that supports desktop, web, and mobile applications.

    • SpecFlow: A tool based on Cucumber, it allows writing tests in a natural language style, integrated with .NET.

    • FitNesse: A wiki-based framework for acceptance testing that allows testers to create and edit tests in a wiki.

    • Jenkins: While primarily a CI/CD tool, Jenkins can be used to automate SIT by orchestrating test suites and managing test environments.

    These tools can be used in isolation or combined to create a robust SIT framework, depending on the specific requirements of the system under test. Automation in SIT is crucial for ensuring that integrated components work together as expected, and these tools facilitate this process.

  • How can automation be applied in System Integration Testing?

    Automation in System Integration Testing (SIT) can streamline the process of verifying interactions between different system modules. To apply automation in SIT:

    • Identify critical integration paths that are frequently used and prone to defects. Automate these paths to ensure they are consistently tested.
    • Create automated test suites that focus on data flow, API contracts, and end-to-end tasks that mimic user scenarios across integrated components.
    • Use mocks and service virtualization to simulate components that are not available or are under development, allowing tests to run in isolation.
    • Implement continuous integration (CI) pipelines that trigger automated SIT suites on new code commits, ensuring immediate feedback on integration issues.
    • Utilize parameterized tests to cover a wide range of input combinations and configurations for integrated components.
    • Leverage test orchestration tools to manage dependencies, control test execution order, and handle complex test data setups.
    • Automate environment setup and tear-down to ensure consistent test conditions and efficient use of resources.
    • Integrate automated SIT results into dashboards and reporting tools for quick visibility into the health of the system integration.

    By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, engineers can focus on more complex integration scenarios and ensure a robust integration test suite. Remember to maintain and update automated tests as the system evolves to keep them effective and relevant.

  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of using automated tools for System Integration Testing?

    Benefits of Automated Tools for System Integration Testing:

    • Efficiency: Automated tests execute much faster than manual tests, allowing for more tests to be run in less time.
    • Consistency: Automation ensures tests are performed the same way every time, reducing human error.
    • Reusability: Test scripts can be reused across different versions of the software, saving time in test creation.
    • Coverage: Automation can increase the depth and scope of tests, improving the likelihood of finding defects.
    • Non-functional Testing: Automated tools can simulate thousands of virtual users for performance testing, which is not feasible manually.

    Drawbacks of Automated Tools for System Integration Testing:

    • Initial Investment: High upfront costs for tools and setting up the test environment.
    • Maintenance: Test scripts require regular updates to keep pace with software changes, which can be time-consuming.
    • Learning Curve: Teams need time to learn and adapt to new tools.
    • Complex Setup: Creating test environments and data for system integration testing can be complex.
    • False Positives/Negatives: Automated tests may produce misleading results if not designed or interpreted correctly.
    • Limited Scope: Some aspects of integration, such as user experience or visual issues, are better assessed manually.
    // Example of a simple automated SIT test script in TypeScript
    import { expect } from 'chai';
    import { SystemUnderTest } from './SystemUnderTest';
    import { DependencySystem } from './DependencySystem';
    describe('System Integration Test', () => {
      it('should integrate with the dependency system', async () => {
        const systemUnderTest = new SystemUnderTest();
        const dependencySystem = new DependencySystem();
        const result = await systemUnderTest.integrateWith(dependencySystem);
  • What role does virtualization play in System Integration Testing?

    Virtualization plays a crucial role in System Integration Testing (SIT) by providing a flexible and controlled environment for testing the interactions between different system components. It allows test automation engineers to create and manage multiple virtual machines (VMs) that mimic the production environment, enabling them to:

    • Isolate tests to reduce the risk of environmental inconsistencies affecting the results.
    • Simulate various configurations and dependencies without the need for physical hardware, leading to cost savings and easier setup.
    • Parallelize tests by running them on multiple VMs simultaneously, which reduces the time required for SIT.
    • Snapshot and clone environments quickly, allowing testers to preserve states and replicate issues with ease.
    • Integrate with CI/CD pipelines, automating the provisioning and teardown of virtual environments as part of the testing workflow.

    By leveraging virtualization, engineers can ensure that SIT is both efficient and representative of the actual deployment scenario, thus enhancing the reliability of the integration testing process.

  • How can continuous integration tools aid in System Integration Testing?

    Continuous Integration (CI) tools streamline System Integration Testing (SIT) by automating the build and deployment processes. They enable frequent integration of code changes, ensuring that the integrated system is tested regularly, which is crucial for early detection of defects.

    CI tools facilitate automated test execution as part of the build pipeline. Once developers commit code to the version control system, CI tools can automatically trigger SIT suites, allowing for immediate feedback on the impact of changes.

    Parallel test execution is another advantage, as CI tools can distribute tests across multiple servers or containers, reducing the time required for SIT.

    Environment management is simplified with CI tools, which can provision or spin up necessary test environments on demand, ensuring that tests run in a consistent, controlled setting.

    CI tools often come with plugins and integrations for test frameworks, code quality analyzers, and reporting tools, which enhance the SIT process by providing comprehensive insights into the health of the system.

    Artifact management is handled efficiently, with CI tools storing the build artifacts that are to be tested, ensuring that SIT is always performed on the correct version of the system.

    Lastly, CI tools support continuous feedback mechanisms. Automated notifications about the SIT results can be sent to the team, enabling quick response to issues.

    In summary, CI tools support SIT by automating repetitive tasks, managing test environments, ensuring consistent testing against the latest builds, and providing rapid feedback to the development team.

Best Practices and Challenges

  • What are some best practices for conducting System Integration Testing?

    Best practices for conducting System Integration Testing (SIT) include:

    • Define clear objectives: Establish what you aim to achieve with SIT to focus your efforts effectively.
    • Create a detailed test plan: This should outline the scope, approach, resources, schedule, and deliverables.
    • Prioritize test cases: Focus on critical integrations first, based on risk and importance.
    • Use version control: Keep track of different configurations and ensure reproducibility.
    • Automate where possible: Automate repetitive and data-intensive tests to save time and reduce human error.
    • Test environment: Ensure it closely mirrors the production environment to catch environment-specific issues.
    • Data management: Use realistic data sets for testing to simulate real-world scenarios accurately.
    • Monitor and measure: Implement logging and monitoring to track system behavior and performance under test.
    • Collaborate with stakeholders: Regularly communicate with developers, business analysts, and end-users to align expectations and share insights.
    • Iterative testing: Test iteratively, especially when new components or changes are introduced.
    • Error handling: Test how the system handles failures and ensure graceful degradation.
    • Performance testing: Include load and stress testing to evaluate system behavior under high demand.
    • Security testing: Verify that integrations do not introduce security vulnerabilities.
    • Documentation: Keep thorough records of test cases, results, and any anomalies for future reference and compliance.
    • Review and Retest: After fixes or changes, retest to confirm that the issue is resolved and no new issues have been introduced.

    By adhering to these practices, you can enhance the effectiveness of your System Integration Testing and ensure a more reliable integration of system components.

  • What are common challenges faced during System Integration Testing and how can they be mitigated?

    Common challenges in System Integration Testing (SIT) include:

    • Complex Dependencies: SIT involves multiple systems with intricate dependencies, making it difficult to isolate issues. Mitigation involves creating a detailed integration map that outlines all dependencies and interactions.

    • Environment Discrepancies: Differences between test and production environments can lead to false test results. Use containerization and infrastructure as code to mirror production environments closely.

    • Data Management: Test data must be representative and consistent across systems. Implement a centralized test data management strategy to ensure data integrity and relevance.

    • Intermittent Issues: Flaky tests can occur due to timing and network variability. Introduce retries for network calls and use synchronization mechanisms to handle timing issues.

    • Resource Constraints: Limited access to systems or data can impede testing. Utilize service virtualization to simulate components that are not readily available.

    • Change Management: Frequent changes in integrated systems can disrupt testing. Adopt version control and automated regression testing to manage changes effectively.

    • Performance Bottlenecks: Performance issues can be hard to diagnose in a multi-system environment. Conduct performance testing at the integration level and use profiling tools to identify bottlenecks.

    Mitigating these challenges requires a combination of strategic planning, robust tooling, and adaptive processes. By addressing these issues proactively, test automation engineers can ensure a more efficient and reliable SIT process.

  • How can System Integration Testing be effectively documented?

    Documenting System Integration Testing (SIT) effectively involves clear, concise, and structured information that can be easily understood and acted upon. Here's a guide to documenting SIT:

    Test Strategy and Plan: Outline the overall approach, including the scope, objectives, and schedule. Specify the integration points, dependencies, and the order of component integration.

    Test Cases and Scripts: Develop detailed test cases and scripts that cover all integration paths, data flows, and interactions between components. Use a consistent format for easy reference and execution.

    Test Data: Document the test data requirements, ensuring it's representative of production data. Include data setup and cleanup procedures.

    Environment Setup: Provide instructions for configuring the test environment, including hardware, software, network configurations, and any necessary stubs or drivers.

    Execution Records: Keep a log of test executions, including test script identifier, execution date, tester, and outcome. Use tables or spreadsheets for clarity.

    | Test ID | Execution Date | Tester | Outcome |
    | INT-001 | 2023-04-01     | J.Doe  | Pass    |

    Defects: Record any defects found, with a unique identifier, description, severity, and status. Link defects to corresponding test cases.

    | Defect ID | Test ID | Description          | Severity | Status  |
    | BUG-101   | INT-001 | Incorrect data merge | High     | Open    |

    Test Summary Report: Summarize the results, including pass/fail statistics, outstanding defects, and an assessment of the integration's health. Highlight any risks or issues.

    Lessons Learned: Document insights and improvements for future SIT cycles, focusing on process enhancements, tooling, and environment stability.

    Maintain version control and ensure all documents are accessible to the team. Regularly review and update documentation to reflect changes in the system or testing approach.

  • How should System Integration Testing be managed in agile development environments?

    In agile development environments, managing System Integration Testing (SIT) requires a continuous and iterative approach. SIT should be integrated into the sprint cycles, ensuring that integration points are tested as soon as they are developed. This aligns with the agile principle of continuous feedback and incremental delivery.

    Collaboration between developers, testers, and operations is crucial. Developers should provide clear interfaces and usage documentation for their components, enabling testers to create meaningful integration tests. Operations can offer insights into the deployment environment, which can influence test scenarios.

    Automated regression suites should be maintained and executed with each build to ensure that new changes do not break existing integrations. Utilize continuous integration (CI) pipelines to trigger these tests automatically.

    Feature toggles can be used to manage the integration of components that are still under development, allowing for testing in the main branch without affecting the functionality available to users.

    Test environments should closely mimic production to ensure that SIT results are representative. Use infrastructure as code (IaC) to provision and manage these environments reliably and efficiently.

    Monitoring and logging in test environments can provide valuable insights into integration issues and should be leveraged to identify and resolve problems early.

    Finally, prioritize tests based on risk and impact, focusing on critical integration points first. This ensures that the most significant potential defects are addressed promptly, optimizing the effort spent on SIT in an agile context.

  • How can System Integration Testing be optimized for large and complex systems?

    Optimizing System Integration Testing (SIT) for large and complex systems requires a strategic approach to manage the intricacies and dependencies involved. Prioritize test cases based on critical business functions and risk assessment to focus on the most impactful areas. Utilize test data management tools to ensure high-quality, relevant test data is available, reducing the time spent on data setup and maintenance.

    Modularize test scripts to enhance reusability and maintainability. This approach allows for more efficient updates when system components change. Implement service virtualization to simulate unavailable or costly-to-access components, enabling parallel development and testing.

    Leverage parallel testing to run multiple test scenarios simultaneously, significantly reducing the overall testing time. This can be achieved through distributed test execution environments.

    Incorporate test environment management practices to ensure environments are stable, consistent, and available when needed. This includes version control of test environments to match production as closely as possible.

    Optimize test automation frameworks to support integration points and interfaces specific to the system under test. This includes customizing or extending existing frameworks to handle complex scenarios.

    Monitor and analyze test results continuously using dashboards and reporting tools to quickly identify and address issues. Integrate performance testing within SIT to check system behavior under load, which is crucial for complex systems.

    Lastly, foster a culture of collaboration between developers, testers, and operations to ensure smooth and efficient testing processes. This includes regular communication and knowledge sharing to align on system understanding and test objectives.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].