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Definition of SQL

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standardized programming language specifically designed for managing and manipulating relational databases. SQL is used to perform tasks such as querying data, updating data, inserting data, and deleting data from a database. It also involves creating and modifying schemas (database structures) and controlling access to data. SQL provides a consistent interface to relational database management systems (RDBMS) and is supported by most modern RDBMS platforms like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and many others. Through SQL, users can define, retrieve, and manipulate data within the database efficiently and effectively.

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Basics and Importance

  • What is SQL and why is it important?

    SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a standardized programming language used for managing and manipulating relational databases. It is important because it provides a systematic way to create, retrieve, update, and delete data from databases, which are integral to most software applications.

    In the context of software test automation, SQL plays a crucial role in validating the state and integrity of data, which directly impacts the reliability of the application under test. Test automation engineers use SQL to:

    • Verify that data manipulation operations, such as inserts, updates, and deletions, have been performed correctly.
    • Set up and tear down test data, ensuring tests run in a known state.
    • Validate business logic that involves data retrieval and manipulation, ensuring the application behaves as expected.
    • Perform backend testing to ensure that the application interacts with the database correctly, including handling of transactions and concurrency.
    • Check data integrity and constraints to ensure that the database maintains a valid state throughout different test scenarios.

    SQL is a critical skill for test automation engineers as it enables them to interact directly with the database, bypassing the user interface. This allows for more thorough testing of the application layers that interact with the database, and for the creation of more complex test scenarios that might be difficult or time-consuming to replicate through the UI.

  • What are the different types of SQL commands?

    SQL commands can be broadly categorized into four types:

    1. Data Definition Language (DDL): These commands define the structure of the database and manipulate database objects such as tables, indexes, and views.

      • CREATE: Creates new database objects.
      • ALTER: Modifies existing database objects.
      • DROP: Deletes database objects.
      • TRUNCATE: Removes all records from a table, including all spaces allocated for the records.
    2. Data Manipulation Language (DML): These commands deal with the manipulation of data present in the database.

      • INSERT: Adds new data to a table.
      • UPDATE: Modifies existing data within a table.
      • DELETE: Removes data from a table.
    3. Data Control Language (DCL): These commands are related to the rights, permissions, and other controls of the database system.

      • GRANT: Gives user's access privileges to the database.
      • REVOKE: Withdraws user's access privileges given by using the GRANT command.
    4. Transaction Control Language (TCL): These commands deal with the transaction operations within the database.

      • COMMIT: Saves all the transactions to the database.
      • ROLLBACK: Restores the database to the last committed state.
      • SAVEPOINT: Sets a savepoint within a transaction.
      • SET TRANSACTION: Places a name on a transaction.

    Understanding these commands is crucial for database manipulation and management, which is often necessary in test automation to ensure the application interacts correctly with the database.

  • What is the difference between SQL and NoSQL?

    SQL (Structured Query Language) databases, also known as relational databases, store data in tables with predefined schemas, using rows and columns. They excel in ACID transactions (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) and support complex queries with JOIN operations.

    NoSQL (Not Only SQL) databases are designed for distributed data stores with horizontal scaling in mind. They do not require a fixed schema and can store unstructured data like documents, key-value pairs, wide-column stores, or graphs. NoSQL databases are often chosen for their ability to handle large volumes of data and high traffic loads with flexible data models.

    The key differences are:

    • Schema flexibility: NoSQL databases allow for a flexible, dynamic schema, while SQL databases require a predefined schema.
    • Scaling: NoSQL databases are typically designed to scale out by distributing data across multiple servers, whereas SQL databases scale up by increasing the power of the existing hardware.
    • Data model: SQL databases are table-based, while NoSQL databases can be document-oriented, key-value pairs, wide-column stores, or graph databases.
    • Transactions: SQL databases support complex transactions and are ACID-compliant, making them suitable for applications that require reliability and consistency. NoSQL databases may offer eventual consistency and prioritize availability and partition tolerance (following the CAP theorem).
    • Query language: SQL databases use the SQL language for queries, which is powerful for complex queries. NoSQL databases have varied query languages that are typically less complex and may not support JOIN operations or multi-record ACID transactions.
  • What is a relational database in SQL?

    A relational database is a collection of data items organized as a set of formally described tables from which data can be accessed or reassembled in various ways without having to reorganize the database tables. The relational model means that the logical data structures—the data tables, views, and indexes—are separate from the physical storage structures. This model is based on first-order predicate logic and its core idea is to describe a database as a collection of predicates over a finite set of predicate variables, describing constraints on the possible values and combinations of values.

    The key element of the relational database is the table (or relation), where data is stored in rows and columns. Each table has a unique primary key, which identifies the rows. Tables can relate to each other through foreign keys, which are fields that reference a primary key in another table.

    Relational databases use Structured Query Language (SQL) for defining and manipulating data. This is powerful because it allows for data to be easily accessed and it is also used to maintain the integrity of the database using constraints (e.g., UNIQUE, NOT NULL, CHECK, FOREIGN KEY).

    In the context of test automation, relational databases are often the backend of an application, and understanding their structure is crucial for validating that the application is storing and retrieving data correctly. Test automation engineers can write SQL queries to extract data and use it to verify application behavior or to set up test preconditions.

  • What are the basic operations that a simple SQL query does?

    Basic operations performed by a simple SQL query include:

    • Selecting data with SELECT:
      SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name;
    • Filtering data using WHERE:
      SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE condition;
    • Sorting results with ORDER BY:
      SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY column ASC|DESC;
    • Limiting results using LIMIT:
      SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT number;
    • Grouping data with GROUP BY for aggregate functions:
      SELECT COUNT(column1), column2 FROM table_name GROUP BY column2;
    • Combining columns from multiple tables using JOIN:
      SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;
    • Calculating values with built-in functions like SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX():
      SELECT AVG(column1) FROM table_name;
    • Aliasing columns or tables for readability with AS:
      SELECT column1 AS alias_name FROM table_name;
    • Inserting new data with INSERT INTO:
      INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2);
    • Updating existing data with UPDATE:
      UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1 WHERE condition;
    • Deleting data with DELETE:
      DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

    These operations are foundational for interacting with and manipulating data within a database.

SQL Syntax and Queries

  • What is the syntax for creating a table in SQL?

    To create a table in SQL, use the CREATE TABLE statement followed by the table name and a list of columns with their respective data types and constraints within parentheses. Each column definition is separated by a comma. Here's the basic syntax:

    CREATE TABLE table_name (
        column1 datatype constraint,
        column2 datatype constraint,
        column3 datatype constraint,

    For example, to create a table named users with three columns—id, name, and email—where id is an integer that auto-increments and serves as the primary key, name is a variable character string with a maximum length of 50 characters, and email is a variable character string with a maximum length of 100 characters, the SQL statement would be:

    CREATE TABLE users (
        name VARCHAR(50),
        email VARCHAR(100)

    Remember to define the primary key for the table, which uniquely identifies each record. If needed, you can also specify other constraints like NOT NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, etc., to enforce data integrity.

  • How do you insert data into a table in SQL?

    To insert data into a table in SQL, use the INSERT INTO statement. Specify the table and then define the columns and values you want to insert. If you're inserting values for all columns in the table, you can omit the column names and only provide the values in the same order as the columns in the table schema.

    Here's the basic syntax for inserting data into a table:

    INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...)
    VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);

    For example, if you have a table named users with columns id, name, and email, you can insert a new row like this:

    INSERT INTO users (id, name, email)
    VALUES (1, 'John Doe', '[email protected]');

    If you're inserting multiple rows at once, separate each set of values with a comma:

    INSERT INTO users (id, name, email)
    (1, 'John Doe', '[email protected]'),
    (2, 'Jane Smith', '[email protected]');

    Remember to use single quotes for string values and to escape any special characters to prevent SQL injection attacks. For numerical values, quotes are not necessary. Always validate and sanitize input when using dynamic data to protect against malicious SQL injection.

  • How do you update data in a table in SQL?

    To update data in a SQL table, use the UPDATE statement. Specify the table and set the new values for one or more columns, often using a WHERE clause to target specific rows. Here's the basic syntax:

    UPDATE table_name
    SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
    WHERE condition;

    Example: Imagine you have a users table and you want to update the email of a user with the id of 10.

    UPDATE users
    SET email = '[email protected]'
    WHERE id = 10;

    Best Practices:

    • Always use a WHERE clause to avoid updating all rows unintentionally.
    • Test your WHERE clause with a SELECT statement first to ensure you're targeting the right rows.
    • Use transactions if your database supports them, to roll back changes in case of errors.
    • For complex conditions, consider using subqueries within the WHERE clause.
    • When updating multiple rows based on different conditions, you can use a CASE statement within the SET clause.

    Note: In test automation, ensure your test data is backed up or can be easily restored before running update queries, as they modify the data state.

  • What is the purpose of the SELECT statement in SQL?

    The SELECT statement in SQL is used to retrieve data from one or more tables in a database. It allows you to specify the exact columns you want to fetch, along with any conditions for selecting rows. The SELECT statement is fundamental for test automation engineers to validate the state of the data, ensuring that the application under test is manipulating the data correctly.

    Here's a basic example of a SELECT statement:

    SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name WHERE condition;

    In test automation, you might use SELECT to:

    • Verify the insertion of a new record.
    • Check updates to existing records.
    • Confirm the deletion of records.
    • Validate business logic by checking if the data meets certain conditions.
    • Extract data to be used as input for automated test cases.

    For instance, after a test case that inserts a record, you might use:

    SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'testuser';

    This query checks if 'testuser' was successfully added to the users table. The SELECT statement is versatile and can be combined with other SQL clauses and functions to perform complex data validations, making it an indispensable tool for backend testing.

  • How do you delete data from a table in SQL?

    To delete data from a table in SQL, use the DELETE statement. Specify the table and the condition for which rows should be deleted using the WHERE clause. Without a WHERE clause, all rows will be removed.

    Here's the basic syntax:

    DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

    For example, to delete a record where the id is 10:

    DELETE FROM Employees WHERE id = 10;

    Caution: Omitting the WHERE clause will delete all records in the table, which can't be undone without a backup.

    For test automation, you might delete test data after a test run:

    DELETE FROM Test_Results WHERE test_date < '2023-01-01';

    Always back up data before mass delete operations, and consider transaction control statements like BEGIN TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK for safety.

  • What is the difference between the WHERE and HAVING clauses in SQL?

    The WHERE and HAVING clauses in SQL are both used to filter records, but they serve different purposes and operate at different stages of the query processing.

    • WHERE: This clause is used to filter records before any groupings are made. It applies to individual rows of a table. You use WHERE to specify the conditions that must be met for the rows to be included in the result set.
    SELECT column1, column2
    FROM table
    WHERE condition;
    • HAVING: This clause is used to filter groups of rows after the GROUP BY clause has been applied. It's typically used when you want to apply a condition to a group function like SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), etc.
    SELECT column1, SUM(column2)
    FROM table
    GROUP BY column1
    HAVING condition;

    In essence, if you need to filter rows based on individual column values, use WHERE. If you need to filter on the result of an aggregate function, use HAVING. Remember that HAVING can only be used when GROUP BY is present, whereas WHERE can be used without it.

Advanced SQL Concepts

  • What are SQL Joins and what are the different types of Joins in SQL?

    SQL joins are used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them. There are several types of joins:

    • INNER JOIN: Returns records that have matching values in both tables.
    SELECT * FROM table1
    INNER JOIN table2
    ON table1.common_field = table2.common_field;
    • LEFT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table. If there is no match, the result is NULL on the right side.
    SELECT * FROM table1
    LEFT JOIN table2
    ON table1.common_field = table2.common_field;
    • RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table. If there is no match, the result is NULL on the left side.
    SELECT * FROM table1
    RIGHT JOIN table2
    ON table1.common_field = table2.common_field;
    • FULL (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records when there is a match in either left or right table. If there is no match, the result is NULL for the unmatched side.
    SELECT * FROM table1
    FULL OUTER JOIN table2
    ON table1.common_field = table2.common_field;
    • CROSS JOIN: Returns all possible combinations of rows from both tables. This join does not require a condition to join and can produce a large number of rows.
    SELECT * FROM table1
    CROSS JOIN table2;
    • SELF JOIN: A regular join, but the table is joined with itself.
    SELECT * FROM table1 T1
    INNER JOIN table1 T2
    ON T1.common_field = T2.common_field;

    Understanding and utilizing these joins is crucial for querying complex data sets and validating data relationships during software testing.

  • What are SQL Views and how are they used?

    SQL Views are virtual tables representing a subset of data from one or more tables. They are created using the CREATE VIEW statement and can encapsulate complex queries with joins, filters, and aggregations to simplify data access.

    Views are used to:

    • Restrict access to data: By providing a specific view of the data, sensitive information can be hidden from certain users.
    • Simplify complex queries: Instead of writing lengthy SQL queries each time, a view can store the complexity and present a simple interface.
    • Enhance readability: Views can be named descriptively to convey the data they represent, making SQL code easier to understand.
    • Maintain legacy code: If underlying table structures change, views can provide a consistent interface without modifying existing queries or applications.

    Here's an example of creating a view:

    CREATE VIEW EmployeeSummary AS
    SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Department
    FROM Employees
    WHERE IsActive = 1;

    To query the view, you use the SELECT statement just as you would with a regular table:

    SELECT * FROM EmployeeSummary;

    Remember, views do not store data physically; they fetch data from the underlying tables each time they are queried. Changes to the data in the base tables are immediately reflected in the views. However, some views are updatable and can be used to modify data in the base tables, subject to certain constraints.

  • What are SQL Indexes and why are they important?

    SQL indexes are special lookup tables that the database search engine can use to speed up data retrieval. Simply put, an index in SQL is used to quickly locate and access the data in a database table. Indexes are particularly important for improving the performance of SELECT queries and are also beneficial when you have WHERE clauses that filter sorted data.

    An index is created on one or more columns of a table. When an index is created, it sorts the values of the specified columns and stores them in a data structure, typically a B-tree or a hash table. This means that when a query is executed, the database can use the index to find data quickly instead of scanning the entire table, which can be time-consuming especially with large tables.

    For test automation engineers, understanding indexes is crucial because:

    • They can significantly reduce the time it takes to run tests that involve data verification or comparison.
    • They help in identifying performance issues that could be mitigated by proper indexing, ensuring that the application scales well.
    • They are essential for writing efficient SQL queries in tests, which can reduce the load on the database and minimize the risk of timeouts or slow test execution.

    However, it's important to note that while indexes can improve read performance, they can also slow down write operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) because the index has to be updated whenever the data in the indexed columns is modified. Therefore, careful consideration must be given to determine which columns to index, especially in a frequently updated database.

  • What are SQL Triggers and how are they used?

    SQL Triggers are special types of stored procedures that automatically execute or fire when a specified event occurs in the database, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on a table. They are used to enforce business rules, maintain data integrity, and manage changes in database state without manual intervention.

    Triggers can be defined to execute before or after the triggering event. For example:

    • BEFORE triggers: Perform a task before a data row is inserted, updated, or deleted.
    • AFTER triggers: Execute after the data modification is completed.

    Here's a simple example of a trigger that logs an audit entry after a record is updated in a table:

    CREATE TRIGGER AuditLogUpdate
    AFTER UPDATE ON Employees
       INSERT INTO AuditLog (ChangeType, TableName, ChangedBy, ChangeDate)
       VALUES ('UPDATE', 'Employees', CURRENT_USER(), NOW());

    In test automation, triggers can be used to:

    • Verify business logic: Ensure that business rules are enforced by the trigger during test cases.
    • Data validation: Check if the trigger maintains data integrity by preventing invalid data operations.
    • Performance testing: Assess the impact of triggers on database performance.
    • Regression testing: Confirm that new changes do not break existing triggers.

    Triggers should be used judiciously as they can introduce complexity and affect performance. Test automation engineers must ensure that triggers work as expected and do not introduce unintended side effects.

  • What is SQL Injection and how can it be prevented?

    SQL Injection is a type of security vulnerability where an attacker can manipulate a SQL query by injecting malicious SQL code through an application's input data. This can result in unauthorized access to or manipulation of database data.

    To prevent SQL Injection:

    • Use Prepared Statements (Parameterized Queries): They enforce a clear separation between the code and the data. For example, in Java, you can use PreparedStatement objects.

      String query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?";
      PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(query);
      ps.setString(1, username);
      ps.setString(2, password);
    • Employ Stored Procedures: They encapsulate the SQL statements and treat all input as data rather than executable code.

    • Validate Input: Rigorously validate user inputs for type, length, format, and range. Use regular expressions or validation libraries.

    • Escape User Input: If you must include user input within SQL queries, make sure to escape special characters. However, this is less secure than prepared statements and should be avoided when possible.

    • Use ORM Libraries: Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) libraries like Hibernate or Entity Framework can abstract SQL queries and use their own methods to prevent injection.

    • Implement Least Privilege: Restrict database user permissions so that if an injection occurs, the potential damage is minimized.

    • Keep Software Updated: Ensure that your database management system (DBMS) and any related software are up-to-date with the latest security patches.

    • Use Web Application Firewalls: They can help to detect and block SQL Injection attacks.

    • Security Testing: Regularly test your application for SQL Injection vulnerabilities using tools like SQLMap or by performing penetration testing.

SQL for Testing

  • How is SQL used in software testing?

    SQL is integral to software test automation for validating the state and integrity of data within relational databases. It enables testers to:

    • Verify outcomes of test cases by executing SELECT queries to check if data manipulations lead to expected results.
    • Set up and tear down test data using INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands, ensuring tests run in a controlled environment.
    • Test database functions, stored procedures, and triggers by invoking them and assessing their effects on the data.
    • Validate business logic implemented at the database level by running complex queries involving JOINs, subqueries, and aggregate functions.
    • Check constraints and indexes to ensure they are functioning as intended, which is crucial for data integrity and performance.
    • Simulate user transactions to test transactional integrity and concurrency by using transactions with BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK.
    • Assess performance of queries and database operations, identifying potential bottlenecks or optimizations.

    Automated test scripts often include SQL queries to perform these tasks, and results are compared against expected outcomes to determine test pass or fail status. SQL's role in test automation is therefore pivotal for backend testing, ensuring the application behaves correctly in conjunction with the database layer.

  • How can SQL queries be used to validate data?

    SQL queries can be instrumental in validating data as part of software test automation. By executing specific queries, testers can verify that data manipulation operations, such as inserts, updates, and deletions, have been performed correctly.

    For data integrity checks, a SELECT statement can be used to retrieve data and ensure it matches expected results. For example, after an automated test case inserts a record, a query can confirm the data is present:

    SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'testuser';

    Aggregate functions like COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX are useful for validating calculations and summaries:

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE order_date = '2023-01-01';

    Joins can validate relationships between tables, ensuring foreign keys and linked data are consistent:

    SELECT * FROM orders
    JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.id
    WHERE customers.email = '[email protected]';

    Subqueries and set operations like IN, EXISTS, UNION, and EXCEPT can validate complex conditions and data sets:

    SELECT id FROM products WHERE price > (SELECT AVG(price) FROM products);

    For consistency checks, TRANSACTION control with ROLLBACK can be used to verify transactional behavior without affecting the actual data:

    UPDATE account_balance SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE account_id = 1;
    SELECT balance FROM account_balance WHERE account_id = 1;

    Automated tests can execute these queries and compare the results against expected outcomes, flagging any discrepancies for further investigation. This approach ensures that the database behaves as intended, maintaining data quality and application reliability.

  • What is the role of SQL in backend testing?

    In backend testing, SQL plays a crucial role in validating and manipulating data within the database. Test automation engineers use SQL to:

    • Verify data integrity by executing queries that check if data is stored, updated, or deleted correctly after various operations.
    • Set up and tear down test data by inserting, updating, or removing data to create the necessary preconditions for tests or to clean up after tests are completed.
    • Test database functions, stored procedures, and triggers to ensure they work as expected when they manipulate data.
    • Check business logic that is implemented at the database level, such as complex queries or calculations that are part of stored procedures.
    • Perform data-driven testing by retrieving data sets from the database to be used as inputs for automated tests.
    • Assess performance by executing queries that are expected to return large data sets or that are particularly complex, to ensure they run within acceptable time frames.

    SQL queries are integrated into test scripts or test harnesses to automate these checks. For example, after a web service call that should modify data, a subsequent SQL query might be run to confirm the change:

    SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderID = 1234;

    This query would check if order 1234 has the expected values after the operation. By automating such SQL checks, testers can efficiently validate backend processes and ensure the reliability of the database operations within the application.

  • How can SQL be used to test database connections?

    SQL can be instrumental in testing database connections by executing simple queries to verify the connection's integrity and responsiveness. To test a database connection, you typically perform the following steps:

    1. Establish a connection to the database using the appropriate connection string and credentials.
    2. Execute a simple query to ensure the connection is active. A common choice is the SELECT statement, which retrieves data from a single table without affecting the data.
    SELECT 1;
    1. Check the query's result. If the query returns the expected result (e.g., the number 1), the connection is considered successful.
    2. Perform a cleanup by closing the connection to avoid resource leaks.

    In automated testing frameworks, these steps are encapsulated in a test case, and assertions are used to validate the connection. For instance, you might assert that the query returns a single row with the value 1.

    Additionally, you can test the connection's ability to handle more complex operations such as transactions, joins, or specific application queries to ensure the database responds correctly under conditions that mimic the actual application use.

    Incorporating these SQL-based connection tests into your test suite ensures that any issues with database connectivity are identified early in the development cycle, reducing the risk of production outages or performance issues.

  • What are some common SQL queries used in software testing?

    In software testing, SQL queries are essential for verifying the integrity and accuracy of data within a database. Here are some common SQL queries used:

    • SELECT with assertions to validate data:

      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE active = 1;

      Use the result to assert the expected number of active users.

    • JOIN queries to validate relationships:

      SELECT * FROM orders INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.id;

      Confirm that orders are correctly linked to customers.

    • Data setup for test preconditions:

      INSERT INTO products (name, price) VALUES ('Test Product', 9.99);

      Create necessary data before test execution.

    • Data cleanup after tests:

      DELETE FROM temporary_data WHERE created_at < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1 hour';

      Remove obsolete data to maintain test environment.

    • Checking constraints and business rules:

      SELECT username FROM users GROUP BY username HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;

      Ensure there are no duplicate usernames, which may violate a uniqueness constraint.

    • Subqueries for complex validations:

      SELECT name FROM products WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT product_id FROM order_details);

      Identify products that have never been ordered.

    • Transactions to test atomic operations:

      UPDATE account_balance SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE account_id = 1;
      UPDATE account_balance SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE account_id = 2;

      Verify that balance transfers are atomic and consistent.

    These queries can be integrated into automated test scripts to validate various aspects of the database as part of a comprehensive testing strategy.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].