So I searched and found the post ( about okta authentication and though I am able to store the authentication into a json file. I was still prompted again to login when using the json. Does anyone have a working example authenticating once with Okta?
This thread is trying to answer question "Does anyone have a working example authenticating once with Okta and storing the authentication in a json file without being prompted to login again?"
@vibhanshu Not sure what your assumptions are, but to handle that, I am logging in and storing the state during the beginning of the testing fixture session in the session scope and then calling the context during the function fixture scope. That way okta timeout should not be a problem. Hence, a working example would be great actually because I can then compare and contrast what I have written to the work example. Saves people time responding and actually gives a living example since the solution on SO are not relevant to okta authentication.
@refactoreric Pytest fixture session. This:
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