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I can't acces my app after the login process

imene_66383posted in #help-playwright
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I launched my test to log in to my app. After filling in the login boxes, it stops at the login screen

This thread is trying to answer question "Why can't the user access their app after the login process?"

11 replies

Could you share a code example?



what failure or message do you get in the terminal?

Well, that's the problem; it keeps waiting until the time runs out


Hi @imene_66383 , I think your script can not find the element so it triggers timeout error

this ^

any suggestions ?


Between clicking the Sign in, and navigating (goto) the inbox page, you have to first intelligently wait to confirm that the sign-in is actually finished.

Does the Sign in bring you to another page? Or does something change on screen? Often you can do something like await page.getByText('Logout').waitFor()

Might suggest getting better locators. It seems the recorder was used to get this script, not bad but it is often only good for that instance. The getByText('...1:25') is the time taken or what but guessing it changes and your error. So find any other method to get the locator you want... Best to view the recorder/codegen as a good place to save effort but never assume it is the best code possible, would think the code is mostly ok but 100% to fail in my environment as the 'text' i may go for always changes.

@refactoreric: the sign in is bringing me to another page it stops on the same screen

the sign in is bringing me to another page it stops on the same screen

@d3333333: thank you for your help i will try something else

thank you for your help i will try something else

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