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Playwright API - Request Body

Hi All, I am working on automating a POST request with Playwright. Header body of the request is below json object {

"data": {
    "requestIdFromSource": "1114567",
    "requestDateFromSource": "15/10/2021 10:31:09",
    "sourceId": "P0T2112142M",
    "sourceInstance": "SoftHLA",
    "sourceLocation": "VIC",
    "surname": "AUTO",
    "forename": "TEST",
    "middleName": "x",
    "title": "Mrs",
    "gender": "F",
    "dob": "09/04/1991",
    "homePhone": "xxxxxx",
    "workPhone": "xxxxxxxxx",
   "aboRh": [ {
                "type": "xxx",
                "status": "xxx"
    "active": false,
    "postTXFlag": true,
    "donorPatientIndicator": "P"


I tried using property data of request to post the data. But seems I am formatting the data object incorrectly. I have tried passing it as string and then using JSON.Parse to convert to a JSON objectCan you please advise on how I should pass the value for data object properly

const response = await request.post(`${apiURL}persons/person`, {
        headers: {

            Authorization: `Basic ${credentialsBase64}`,
        data: '' "data": {
    "requestIdFromSource": "1114567",
    "requestDateFromSource": "15/10/2021 10:31:09",
    "sourceId": "P0T2112142M",
    "sourceInstance": "SoftHLA",
    "sourceLocation": "VIC",
    "surname": "AUTO",
    "forename": "TEST",
    "middleName": "x",
    "title": "Mrs",
    "gender": "F",
    "dob": "09/04/1991",
    "homePhone": "xxxxxx",
    "workPhone": "xxxxxxxxx",
   "aboRh": [ {
                "type": "xxx",
                "status": "xxx"
    "active": false,
    "postTXFlag": true,
    "Indicator": "P"



This thread is trying to answer question "How should I pass the value for the data object properly in a POST request using Playwright?"

0 replies


Sending POST Requests with Playwright

When sending a POST request with Playwright, you can pass the data object in a few ways.


If your data is an object, Playwright will serialize it to a JSON string and set the content-type header to application/json. Here's how you can do it:

await request.post('https://ray.run/api/createBook', {
  data: {
    title: 'Book Title',
    author: 'John Doe',

Form Data

If you need to send form data, use the form option. The data will be encoded with application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding.

await request.post('https://ray.run/api/findBook', {
  form: {
    title: 'Book Title',
    author: 'John Doe',

File Upload

For file uploads, use the multipart option. Provide an object with file information like name, mime type, and content.

await request.post('https://ray.run/api/uploadFile', {
  multipart: {
    file1: fs.createReadStream('/path/to/file1.txt'),
    file2: fs.createReadStream('/path/to/file2.txt'),

Remember, the data and form options were added in Playwright version 1.17, and the multipart option in version 1.26. Make sure your Playwright version supports these options.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.