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Definition of Lighthouse

Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool developed by Google for improving the quality of web pages. It provides audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and other aspects of web page quality. By running Lighthouse against a web page, developers and testers can obtain a set of actionable recommendations and insights that help in optimizing the user experience and overall effectiveness of the website.

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Questions about Lighthouse?

Basics and Importance

  • What is Lighthouse?

    Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. It can be run against any web page, public or requiring authentication. Lighthouse audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more, providing a well-rounded view of the quality and effectiveness of a web page.

    To use Lighthouse in Chrome, navigate to the page you want to audit, open DevTools, and click on the Lighthouse tab. Select the audits you want to run, and then click the Generate report button. Lighthouse will run the selected audits against the page, then generate a report on how well the page did.

    For automated testing, Lighthouse can be integrated into continuous integration systems. It can be run as a Node module, as a command line tool, or programmatically as part of a custom build process. Lighthouse CI is a set of commands that make it easier to use Lighthouse for continuous integration.

    Scores are calculated based on the performance metrics and heuristics. Each metric is scored individually, and then the scores are combined into an overall score.

    Improving a low Lighthouse score involves addressing the specific feedback provided in the report. This could include optimizing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript, implementing lazy loading, improving accessibility features, and more.

    For JavaScript execution, Lighthouse simulates a mid-tier device, even when run on a powerful desktop machine, to create consistent, real-world conditions.

    Common issues when using Lighthouse include flaky performance metrics, which can be mitigated by running the audit multiple times and considering median values.

  • Why is Lighthouse important in software automation?

    Lighthouse is crucial in software test automation for its ability to integrate performance and quality checks into the development and deployment pipeline. It provides automated audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and best practices, which are essential for maintaining high-quality web applications.

    By incorporating Lighthouse into automated testing, engineers can ensure that any code changes are evaluated against these metrics, catching regressions or issues early in the development cycle. This is particularly important for continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) environments, where automated tests must provide quick feedback on the potential impact of code changes.

    Lighthouse's role extends to performance budgeting, helping teams set and adhere to performance goals. It can be run headlessly, making it suitable for server-side automation and integration into CI/CD pipelines. The tool's configurability allows for custom audits tailored to specific needs, and its scoring system provides a quantifiable measure of a site's quality attributes.

    Moreover, Lighthouse's reports offer actionable insights, which are invaluable for engineers looking to optimize their web applications. The ability to automate these audits and integrate them into the development workflow makes Lighthouse an important tool for maintaining and improving the quality and user experience of web applications in an automated and efficient manner.

  • What are the key features of Lighthouse?

    Key features of Lighthouse include:

    • Performance Metrics: Lighthouse provides detailed metrics such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), Speed Index, Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Time to Interactive (TTI), Total Blocking Time (TBT), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

    • Accessibility Audits: It evaluates the accessibility of a web page against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and suggests improvements.

    • Best Practices: Lighthouse checks for adherence to best practices in web development, such as HTTPS usage, correct image aspect ratios, and avoiding deprecated APIs.

    • SEO Audits: It assesses elements that affect a page's search engine ranking, including meta tags, hreflang tags, and descriptive link text.

    • Progressive Web App (PWA) Assessment: Lighthouse can validate various aspects of PWAs, ensuring they meet certain criteria for reliability, performance, and engagement.

    • Custom Audits: Developers can extend Lighthouse by writing custom audits to check for specific requirements or standards relevant to their projects.

    • CLI and Programmable API: Lighthouse can be run via command line or programmatically through its API, allowing integration into automated workflows and CI/CD pipelines.

    • Configurability: Users can configure Lighthouse runs by specifying categories to audit, throttling settings, and other runtime options.

    • Reporting: After an audit, Lighthouse generates a report with scores in each category, detailed explanations, and actionable recommendations for improvement.

    • Extensibility: Lighthouse is open-source and can be extended or customized to fit specific testing needs, and it integrates with other tools like Lighthouse CI for continuous testing.

    These features make Lighthouse a versatile tool for web developers and test automation engineers focused on improving the quality of web applications.

  • How does Lighthouse differ from other performance auditing tools?

    Lighthouse distinguishes itself from other performance auditing tools through its integration with the Chrome Developer Tools and its emphasis on the user experience metrics, such as the Core Web Vitals. While tools like WebPageTest provide detailed waterfalls and network information, Lighthouse focuses on providing a holistic view of web performance, accessibility, best practices, SEO, and progressive web app metrics.

    Unlike some tools that require complex setup or server-side integration, Lighthouse is easily accessible and can be run from the command line, as a Node module, or directly in the browser, making it highly versatile for different workflows. It also offers custom audit capabilities through its flexible configuration options.

    Lighthouse's actionable reports with clear scoring and recommendations stand out, guiding developers on how to improve performance and user experience. It's particularly useful for simulating a page load on a mobile network and a mid-tier device, which is a common use case not always covered by other tools.

    Moreover, Lighthouse is open-source and maintained by Google, ensuring regular updates that reflect the latest web development best practices and standards. This contrasts with some proprietary tools that may not be as transparent or up-to-date with web standards.

    Lastly, Lighthouse's ability to be integrated into CI/CD pipelines through Lighthouse CI makes it a powerful option for automating performance checks and ensuring that performance standards are met before deployment.

  • What types of audits does Lighthouse perform?

    Lighthouse performs audits across five categories: Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, SEO, and Progressive Web App (PWA). Each category encompasses various checks:

    • Performance: Evaluates metrics like First Contentful Paint, Speed Index, and Time to Interactive, focusing on user-perceived loading experience and interactivity.

    • Accessibility: Checks for common issues that may prevent users from accessing content, such as missing alt text for images, improper ARIA attributes, and incorrect semantic HTML elements.

    • Best Practices: Looks for modern web development practices, including HTTPS usage, correct image aspect ratios, and avoidance of deprecated APIs.

    • SEO: Assesses elements that affect a page's visibility to search engines, like meta descriptions, hreflang links, and legible font sizes.

    • PWA: Verifies the presence of a service worker, a web app manifest, and other criteria that enable a web app to be installed on a device's home screen and function offline.

    Each audit provides specific, actionable feedback and is scored individually, contributing to an overall category score. Lighthouse also offers opportunities and diagnostics to help identify areas for improvement and understand underlying issues. These audits can be extended or customized for specific use cases through Lighthouse configuration.

Usage and Implementation

  • How do you use Lighthouse in Chrome?

    To use Lighthouse in Chrome for test automation, follow these steps:

    1. Open Chrome Developer Tools by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I (or Cmd+Option+I on Mac).
    2. Navigate to the Lighthouse tab.
    3. Choose the desired audit categories (Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, SEO, and Progressive Web App).
    4. Select the appropriate device type (Mobile or Desktop) for the simulation.
    5. Click on Generate report to start the audit.

    For automation purposes, you can run Lighthouse programmatically using the command line or as a Node module. Here's a basic example using Node.js:

    const lighthouse = require('lighthouse');
    const chromeLauncher = require('chrome-launcher');
    async function runLighthouse(url, options, config = null) {
      const chrome = await chromeLauncher.launch({ chromeFlags: options.chromeFlags });
      options.port = chrome.port;
      const results = await lighthouse(url, options, config);
      await chrome.kill();
      return results.lhr;
    const options = {
      chromeFlags: ['--headless'],
      // Add more options here
    // Usage
    runLighthouse('https://example.com', options)
      .then(results => console.log(results))
      .catch(err => console.error(err));

    For continuous integration, you can use Lighthouse CI which provides commands to run audits against a website and assert if the scores meet your requirements. It can be integrated into your CI pipeline using configuration files and CLI commands.

    Remember to review the audit results and make necessary code or configuration changes to improve the scores. Automate the process by integrating it into your build and deployment pipeline to ensure continuous performance monitoring.

  • How can Lighthouse be used for automated testing?

    Lighthouse can be integrated into automated testing workflows to ensure web applications meet performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO standards. To automate Lighthouse tests, you can use the Lighthouse CLI or the Lighthouse Node module.

    CLI Approach:

    Install Lighthouse globally via npm:

    npm install -g lighthouse

    Run Lighthouse in headless mode to test a URL and output the results to a JSON file:

    lighthouse https://example.com --output=json --output-path=./report.json --chrome-flags="--headless"

    Node Module Approach:

    Install Lighthouse as a dev dependency:

    npm install --save-dev lighthouse

    Create a script to launch Chrome and run Lighthouse programmatically:

    const lighthouse = require('lighthouse');
    const chromeLauncher = require('chrome-launcher');
    async function runLighthouse(url, opts, config = null) {
      const chrome = await chromeLauncher.launch({ chromeFlags: opts.chromeFlags });
      opts.port = chrome.port;
      const results = await lighthouse(url, opts, config);
      await chrome.kill();
      return results.lhr;
    const options = {
      chromeFlags: ['--headless'],
      output: 'json'
    runLighthouse('https://example.com', options)
      .then(results => {
        // Process Lighthouse results here

    Continuous Integration:

    Incorporate Lighthouse into CI pipelines using Lighthouse CI. Set up a .lighthouserc.js configuration file and add Lighthouse CI commands to your CI configuration:

    lhci autorun --config=.lighthouserc.js

    This will run audits against the specified URLs during each commit or pull request, ensuring that code changes do not degrade the quality of the application. Use the Lighthouse CI server for historical tracking and asserting performance budgets.

  • What are the steps to run a Lighthouse audit?

    To run a Lighthouse audit:

    1. Open Google Chrome and navigate to the page you want to audit.
    2. Access Developer Tools by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I (or Cmd+Option+I on Mac), or right-clicking the page and selecting "Inspect".
    3. Click on the Lighthouse tab within the Developer Tools panel. If it's not visible, you may need to click on the >> icon to find it.
    4. Select the categories you wish to audit (Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, SEO, and Progressive Web App).
    5. Choose the device type (mobile or desktop) for the simulation.
    6. (Optional) Click on Advanced Settings to adjust throttling options or to block certain URLs during the audit.
    7. Click on the "Generate report" button to start the audit.

    Lighthouse will now run a series of tests against the page and generate a report. Once the audit is complete, you'll be presented with a detailed report outlining the performance and quality of the page. You can use this report to identify areas for improvement.

    For automated testing or continuous integration, you can use Lighthouse CLI by installing it via npm:

    npm install -g lighthouse

    Then run the audit with:

    lighthouse https://example.com --output json --output-path ./report.json

    Replace https://example.com with your URL and adjust the output format and path as needed. This command will generate a JSON report that can be integrated into your CI/CD pipeline.

  • How can you use Lighthouse in continuous integration processes?

    Integrating Lighthouse into continuous integration (CI) processes ensures that performance, accessibility, and SEO standards are upheld with each code commit. To use Lighthouse in CI, follow these steps:

    1. Install Lighthouse CI:

      npm install -g @lhci/cli
    2. Configure Lighthouse CI by creating a .lighthouserc.js or .lighthouserc.json file in your project root. Define the URLs to audit, the number of runs, and any other configurations.

    3. Add a Lighthouse CI step in your CI pipeline. For example, in a GitHub Actions workflow, add a job that runs Lighthouse CI:

      - name: Run Lighthouse CI
        run: lhci autorun
    4. Set up assertions to enforce performance budgets or specific audit thresholds. Fail the CI build if these are not met:

      "assertions": {
        "categories:performance": ["error", { "minScore": 0.9 }],
        "categories:accessibility": ["error", { "minScore": 0.9 }]
    5. Store reports for historical comparison and tracking regressions. Use the --upload.target option to upload to Lighthouse CI server or other storage solutions.

    6. Automate the process to run on every pull request or push to specific branches, ensuring that new code meets the defined quality standards.

    By integrating Lighthouse into CI, you create a feedback loop that alerts developers to potential issues early, maintaining a high standard for your web application's user experience.

  • How can you configure Lighthouse for custom audits?

    To configure Lighthouse for custom audits, you need to create custom audit definitions and gatherers. Here's a concise guide:

    1. Create a Custom Gatherer:

      • A gatherer collects information from the page. Extend the Gatherer class from Lighthouse.
      const { Gatherer } = require('lighthouse');
      class CustomGatherer extends Gatherer {
        afterPass(options) {
          // Collect data and return it
      module.exports = CustomGatherer;
    2. Develop a Custom Audit:

      • Audits use the data collected by gatherers. Extend the Audit class.
      const { Audit } = require('lighthouse');
      class CustomAudit extends Audit {
        static get meta() {
          return {
            id: 'custom-audit-id',
            title: 'Custom Audit',
            failureTitle: 'Custom Audit Failed',
            description: 'Description of your custom audit',
            requiredArtifacts: ['CustomGatherer'],
        static audit(artifacts) {
          const loadMetrics = artifacts.CustomGatherer;
          // Perform audit logic and return a score
          return {
            score: Number(loadMetrics < threshold),
      module.exports = CustomAudit;
    3. Add to Lighthouse Config:

      • Include your custom gatherer and audit in the Lighthouse configuration.
      module.exports = {
        passes: [{
          passName: 'defaultPass',
          gatherers: [
        audits: [
        categories: {
          customCategory: {
            title: 'Custom Category',
            description: 'Includes custom audits',
            auditRefs: [
              { id: 'custom-audit-id', weight: 1 },
    4. Run Lighthouse with your custom config:

      lighthouse https://example.com --config-path=path/to/custom-config.js

    Remember to handle exceptions and edge cases in your gatherer and audit logic to ensure robustness.

Results and Interpretation

  • How are Lighthouse scores calculated?

    Lighthouse scores are calculated based on a series of audits that fall into five categories: Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, SEO, and Progressive Web App. Each category has a set of audits with individual tests. The scores from these tests are then aggregated into a score for each category.

    Performance score is heavily weighted by speed metrics such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), Speed Index, Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Time to Interactive (TTI), Total Blocking Time (TBT), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). These metrics reflect the user's experience in terms of loading, interactivity, and visual stability.

    Accessibility audits check for common issues that may prevent users from accessing content due to disability. This includes proper use of HTML elements, ARIA attributes, color contrast ratios, and navigation.

    Best Practices score is derived from tests that check for modern web development standards, including HTTPS usage, correct image aspect ratios, and avoidance of deprecated APIs.

    SEO score evaluates elements that affect a site's visibility to search engines, like meta tags, hreflang tags, and descriptive link text.

    Progressive Web App score assesses the readiness of a web app to deliver app-like experiences, looking at factors like service worker registration, web app manifests, and responsiveness to different screen sizes.

    Each category score is a weighted average of its audit scores. The overall Lighthouse score is a weighted average of the five category scores, with Performance typically having the greatest weight. Scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better adherence to web development best practices.

  • What do the different Lighthouse audit categories mean?

    Lighthouse audit categories are benchmarks that evaluate various aspects of web app quality. Each category represents a core area of user experience and technical performance:

    • Performance: Measures the speed and efficiency of the site. Metrics include First Contentful Paint, Speed Index, and Time to Interactive.

    • Accessibility: Assesses how well the site can be used by people with disabilities. It checks for proper use of ARIA attributes, screen reader support, and navigation accessibility.

    • Best Practices: Evaluates the use of modern web development practices. This includes checks for HTTPS usage, correct image aspect ratios, and avoidance of deprecated APIs.

    • SEO: Analyzes the site's potential to be indexed by search engines. It looks at mobile-friendliness, content best practices, and metadata presence.

    • Progressive Web App (PWA): Determines the site's adherence to PWA standards. It checks for service worker registration, a valid web app manifest, and a responsive design.

    Each category provides specific, actionable insights. For instance, the Performance category can highlight opportunities to lazy-load offscreen images, while Accessibility might suggest improvements for screen reader users. These insights guide engineers in optimizing their web apps for better user experiences and technical robustness.

  • How do you interpret Lighthouse reports?

    Interpreting Lighthouse reports involves analyzing the data provided in each audit category to identify areas for improvement in your web application. After running a Lighthouse audit, you'll receive a report with scores in Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, SEO, and Progressive Web App.

    Performance: Look at metrics like First Contentful Paint (FCP), Speed Index, Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Time to Interactive (TTI), Total Blocking Time (TBT), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). These metrics give insights into the user-perceived loading experience and interactivity.

    Accessibility: Review issues that may prevent users with disabilities from accessing content. This includes missing alt text, improper ARIA attributes, and incorrect semantic HTML usage.

    Best Practices: Examine warnings and errors that could impact the application's reliability and security, such as using HTTPS, avoiding deprecated APIs, and ensuring correct image aspect ratios.

    SEO: Check for factors that could affect your site's search engine ranking, including mobile-friendliness, content best practices, and metadata presence.

    Progressive Web App: Evaluate your app against PWA criteria, focusing on aspects like fast load times, a responsive design, and a working offline mode.

    For each audit, Lighthouse provides:

    • A score (0-100) indicating the quality of the page for that category.
    • Color-coded metrics (green for good, orange for needs improvement, red for poor).
    • Actionable recommendations for improving your score.

    Use the detailed suggestions to prioritize fixes and enhancements. Address red items first as they represent the most critical issues, followed by orange, and then green to fine-tune performance. Implement changes, re-run Lighthouse, and compare reports to track progress.

  • What actions can be taken based on Lighthouse audit results?

    Based on Lighthouse audit results, several actions can be taken to improve the quality and performance of a web application:

    • Optimize images: Compress and properly format images to reduce load times.
    • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML: Remove unnecessary characters without changing functionality to decrease file sizes.
    • Leverage browser caching: Set appropriate cache headers to minimize repeat load times for returning users.
    • Eliminate render-blocking resources: Defer non-critical CSS and JavaScript to speed up the first paint.
    • Use lazy loading: Load images and iframes on demand to reduce initial load time.
    • Improve server response times: Optimize server configuration, use a content delivery network (CDN), or upgrade hosting if necessary.
    • Remove unused code: Detect and purge dead code to reduce file sizes and complexity.
    • Enable compression: Use Gzip or Brotli to compress text-based resources.
    • Implement HTTP/2: Take advantage of multiplexing and server push features for faster load times.
    • Prioritize above-the-fold content: Structure HTML to load the most important content first.
    • Accessibility enhancements: Address issues that affect users with disabilities, like color contrast and keyboard navigation.
    • SEO improvements: Ensure meta tags are present and descriptive, and that content is crawlable.

    Apply these actions iteratively, integrating them into your CI/CD pipeline for continuous improvement. Regularly re-audit with Lighthouse to measure progress and identify new optimization opportunities.

  • How can you improve a low Lighthouse score?

    Improving a low Lighthouse score involves optimizing various aspects of your web application. Here are some strategies:

    • Optimize Images: Compress images without losing quality using tools like ImageOptim or services like TinyPNG.
    • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML: Use tools like UglifyJS, cssnano, or HTMLMinifier to reduce file size.
    • Enable Compression: Use Gzip or Brotli on your server to compress resources.
    • Leverage Browser Caching: Set appropriate Cache-Control headers for assets.
    • Remove Render-Blocking Resources: Inline critical CSS, defer non-critical JavaScript, or use async attribute.
    • Use Efficient CSS Selectors: Avoid complex selectors that can slow down page rendering.
    • Minimize Main-Thread Work: Profile your JavaScript and optimize long tasks that block the main thread.
    • Reduce JavaScript Payloads: Split code using dynamic imports and remove unused code with tree shaking.
    • Implement Lazy Loading: Load images or modules only when they are needed.
    • Optimize Web Fonts: Use font-display: swap to minimize render-blocking, and consider subsetting fonts.
    • Preconnect to Required Origins: Use <link rel="preconnect"> to establish early connections to important third-party domains.
    • Use HTTP/2: Serve resources over HTTP/2 for better multiplexing and parallelism.
    • Prioritize Content: Use Priority Hints or the loading attribute to prioritize loading of key resources.
    • Audit Third-Party Code: Remove or optimize third-party scripts that are not critical.

    Apply these optimizations iteratively and monitor the Lighthouse score after each change to understand their impact.

Advanced Concepts

  • What is Lighthouse CI and how does it work?

    Lighthouse CI is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages and apps. It integrates with continuous integration (CI) systems to run Lighthouse audits on every commit, providing immediate feedback on potential regressions in performance, accessibility, SEO, and best practices.

    How it works:

    1. Installation: Lighthouse CI is installed as an npm package.

      npm install -g @lhci/cli
    2. Configuration: Create a .lighthouserc.js or .lighthouserc.json file to configure the audits.

      module.exports = {
        ci: {
          collect: {
            /* ... */
          assert: {
            /* ... */
          upload: {
            /* ... */
    3. Running Audits: Use the Lighthouse CI CLI to run audits against a built version of your app.

      lhci autorun
    4. Assertions: Define assertions for performance metrics and other audit scores. Lighthouse CI will fail the CI build if assertions don't meet the specified thresholds.

    5. Reports: Results are displayed in the CI output, and detailed reports can be uploaded to the Lighthouse CI server or other hosting solutions for further analysis.

    6. Integration: Lighthouse CI can be integrated into popular CI services like GitHub Actions, Travis CI, and Jenkins, ensuring that performance and quality checks are part of the development workflow.

    Lighthouse CI ensures that performance and quality are continuously monitored, helping to prevent regressions and maintain high standards across updates.

  • How can you use Lighthouse for performance budgeting?

    Lighthouse can be instrumental in implementing and enforcing a performance budget for your web applications. A performance budget is a set of limits on certain metrics that affect site performance, such as the size of images, scripts, and CSS files.

    To use Lighthouse for performance budgeting, follow these steps:

    1. Define your performance budget. Decide on the metrics and thresholds you want to enforce, such as maximum page load time, total image size, or number of HTTP requests.

    2. Create a Lighthouse configuration file. In a JSON file, specify your performance budget constraints. For example:

      "extends": "lighthouse:default",
      "settings": {
        "budgets": [{
          "resourceSizes": [
              "resourceType": "script",
              "budget": 125
              "resourceType": "total",
              "budget": 300
          "resourceCounts": [
              "resourceType": "third-party",
              "budget": 10
    1. Run Lighthouse with your config. Use the CLI to run Lighthouse with your configuration file:
    lighthouse https://example.com --budget-path=./path-to-your-budget.json
    1. Review the output. Lighthouse will include a section in the report that indicates whether your site stays within the defined budgets. If it exceeds any budget, Lighthouse provides details on the overages.

    By integrating this process into your CI/CD pipeline, you can automatically check that every build complies with your performance budget, ensuring that performance regressions are caught and addressed early in the development process.

  • What is the role of Lighthouse in Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)?

    Lighthouse plays a crucial role in evaluating and improving the quality of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) by providing a set of audits that specifically target PWA features and best practices. It assesses PWAs against a baseline of expectations for modern web applications, ensuring they are fast, reliable, and engaging.

    For PWAs, Lighthouse checks for:

    • Service Worker: Verifies if a service worker is registered and that it allows for offline use.
    • Web App Manifest: Ensures the presence of a manifest file with appropriate icons, theme colors, and display settings for a full-screen, standalone user experience.
    • HTTPS: Confirms the app is served over a secure connection, which is a prerequisite for many PWA features.
    • Redirects: Checks that navigations are not redirected, which can slow down the app.
    • Splash Screen: Assesses if a custom splash screen is provided during the load, improving the user experience.
    • Theming: Evaluates consistency in theming colors for the address bar and the splash screen.
    • Viewport Configuration: Ensures the viewport is properly set for responsive design.
    • User Engagement: Measures the ability to prompt users to install the web app to their home screens.

    By integrating Lighthouse into the test automation process, engineers can automate the evaluation of these PWA-specific criteria, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time. This ensures that PWAs meet high standards for performance, accessibility, and user experience, which are critical for user retention and satisfaction.

  • How does Lighthouse handle JavaScript execution?

    Lighthouse handles JavaScript execution through a headless Chrome browser. When a Lighthouse audit is initiated, it launches Chrome in headless mode, which allows it to programmatically interact with the page as a user might. Lighthouse then navigates to the target URL and waits for the page to load.

    During the loading process, Lighthouse records the execution of JavaScript on the page. This includes the parsing and execution time of scripts, as well as the time it takes for asynchronous JavaScript tasks to complete. Lighthouse uses the Chrome DevTools Protocol to gather information about JavaScript execution, which includes:

    • Script evaluation: Time spent parsing and compiling scripts.
    • Task execution: Time spent executing script tasks.
    • JavaScript boot-up time: Time taken for the page to become interactive, which is critical for understanding user experience.

    Lighthouse also simulates user interactions, if necessary, to trigger JavaScript execution that may be tied to user events. This ensures that the audit captures the performance impact of scripts that only execute on interaction.

    The data collected on JavaScript execution feeds into several Lighthouse audits, such as:

    • First Contentful Paint (FCP)
    • Time to Interactive (TTI)
    • Total Blocking Time (TBT)

    These metrics help assess the impact of JavaScript on the page's load performance and interactivity, which are crucial for understanding and improving the user experience.

  • What are some common issues and solutions when using Lighthouse?

    Common issues with Lighthouse and their solutions:

    • Fluctuating Scores: Scores can vary between runs due to network conditions, cache state, or CPU throttling. Solution: Run Lighthouse multiple times and average the scores for consistency.

    • Large Assets: Unoptimized images or bulky scripts can negatively impact performance. Solution: Compress images, minify CSS/JS, and use lazy loading.

    • Third-Party Scripts: External scripts can slow down your site. Solution: Use the rel="preconnect" attribute for known hosts, defer non-critical scripts, or remove unnecessary third-party scripts.

    • Cache Configuration: Improperly configured caching can lead to redundant data fetching. Solution: Set appropriate Cache-Control headers for static assets.

    • Accessibility Issues: Lighthouse might report accessibility concerns that are not immediately obvious. Solution: Review each issue, consult WCAG guidelines, and make necessary HTML/ARIA adjustments.

    • SEO Shortcomings: Missing meta tags or improper semantics can affect SEO audits. Solution: Ensure proper use of semantic HTML and meta tags like description, viewport, and structured data.

    • Progressive Web App Criteria: Lighthouse may indicate PWA features are missing. Solution: Implement a service worker, create a web app manifest, and ensure your app is served over HTTPS.

    • Timeouts or Errors: Lighthouse might timeout or encounter errors when auditing. Solution: Check for server issues, ensure no browser extensions are interfering, and run the audit in incognito mode.

    Use the following command to run Lighthouse headlessly, which can help with consistency in automated environments:

    lighthouse <url> --chrome-flags="--headless"

    Remember to keep your Lighthouse version updated to benefit from the latest checks and bug fixes.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].