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Definition of Jasmine

Jasmine is an open-source testing framework for JavaScript. It is designed to be behavior-driven, allowing developers to write tests in a way that describes the expected behavior of the software in clear, human-readable terms. Jasmine provides functions to structure your tests, set up preconditions, and define assertions.
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Questions about Jasmine?

Basics and Importance

  • What is Jasmine in the context of software testing?

    Jasmine is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not rely on browsers, DOM, or any JavaScript framework, making it suitable for testing any JavaScript application. Jasmine's syntax is designed to be easy to read and write, aiming to be both expressive and comprehensive.

    Tests in Jasmine are called specs, which are defined by calling the global it function. Specs are grouped into suites, which are defined by calling the global describe function. Suites can be nested within other suites, allowing for a hierarchical structure to organize tests.

    Jasmine provides built-in matchers that let you express expectations about values in a readable form. These matchers include functions like toEqual, toBe, toMatch, and many others. Custom matchers can also be defined to extend the framework's capabilities.

    Spies are Jasmine's way of creating test doubles, which can track calls to functions and their arguments, return values, and the value of this. They are useful for isolating code under test by replacing real functions with spy objects.

    For asynchronous operations, Jasmine offers the done callback to signal the framework that an asynchronous spec has completed. Alternatively, you can use the newer async/await syntax in combination with Jasmine's beforeAll, afterAll, beforeEach, and afterEach functions to handle setup and teardown tasks.

    Jasmine's flexibility allows it to be used with other libraries and frameworks, and it integrates well with various continuous integration tools. It is a popular choice for developers who need a robust, feature-rich testing solution for their JavaScript code.

  • Why is Jasmine considered important in e2e testing?

    Jasmine is considered important in end-to-end (e2e) testing because it provides a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework specifically tailored for testing JavaScript applications. Its significance lies in its ability to simulate user interactions with a web application, thus ensuring that the entire flow works as expected from the user's perspective.

    In e2e testing, Jasmine is often used in conjunction with tools like Protractor, which allow for testing of Angular applications, or with Selenium WebDriver for non-Angular web applications. This combination enables testers to write clear and comprehensive test suites that cover user stories and use cases in real browser environments.

    Jasmine's syntax and structure make tests readable and maintainable, which is crucial for e2e test suites that can become complex. The framework's support for asynchronous operations is also vital for e2e testing, where waiting for page loads, AJAX calls, and UI updates is common.

    Moreover, Jasmine's spies and mocks are essential for isolating tests from external dependencies, ensuring that e2e tests focus on the user experience rather than the underlying implementation. This isolation helps in identifying issues that could affect the end user, making Jasmine an integral part of the e2e testing process.

    By providing a robust set of features for simulating user interactions and verifying application behavior, Jasmine plays a key role in delivering high-quality, user-friendly software.

  • What are the key features of Jasmine?

    Key features of Jasmine include:

    • Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) syntax: Encourages writing tests that are easy to read and understand.
    • No external dependencies: Works out of the box without the need for other libraries.
    • Rich set of matchers: Provides built-in matchers for common assertions, such as toEqual, toBe, toMatch, and more.
    • Clean and straightforward syntax: Offers a simple interface for describing tests, setting up conditions, and checking outcomes.
    • Asynchronous support: Handles async code with done callback or promises using async/await.
    • Spies: Built-in test doubles for tracking function calls, arguments, and return values.
    • Clock control: Jasmine's mock clock allows for testing time-dependent code.
    • Automatic test discovery: Automatically finds and runs tests defined in spec files.
    • Flexible reporting: Supports various reporters to display test results, which can be customized or extended.
    • Extensibility: Allows for custom matchers and reporters to be added to fit specific needs.
    • Cross-platform: Runs on any JavaScript-enabled platform.
    • Integration friendly: Can be used with other tools and frameworks like Karma, Protractor, and more.
    // Example of a simple Jasmine test
    describe('A suite', () => {
      it('contains a spec with an expectation', () => {

    These features make Jasmine a powerful and versatile tool for writing and maintaining tests for JavaScript applications.

  • How does Jasmine compare to other testing frameworks?

    Jasmine stands out for its behavior-driven development (BDD) style, but when compared to other testing frameworks, there are several distinctions to consider:

    • Mocha: Another popular JavaScript testing framework that is flexible and requires assertion libraries like Chai for assertions. Mocha is often paired with Chai and Sinon for spies, stubs, and mocks. Jasmine, however, comes with these features out-of-the-box.

    • Jest: Developed by Facebook, Jest is often used for React applications. It's inspired by Jasmine but includes additional features like snapshot testing, built-in coverage reports, and a more powerful mocking library. Jest runs tests in parallel, which can lead to faster test execution.

    • QUnit: A powerful framework for unit testing, QUnit is particularly well-suited for testing jQuery projects. It's more traditional in its approach compared to Jasmine's BDD style.

    • Karma: Not a testing framework itself, but rather a test runner that can work with Jasmine, Mocha, or QUnit. Karma is often used for running tests on real browsers and devices.

    • Cypress: An end-to-end testing tool that differs from Jasmine in that it runs in the browser, which can make it easier to test web applications in a real-world scenario. Cypress also provides a rich interactive test runner.

    • Protractor: An end-to-end test framework specifically for Angular applications. It uses Jasmine for its syntax but is now less favored since the Angular team recommends Cypress or Jest for new projects.

    Jasmine's simplicity and self-contained nature make it a good choice for developers who prefer an all-in-one solution without the need for additional libraries. However, for more complex needs or specific integrations, other frameworks might be more suitable.

Installation and Setup

  • How do you install Jasmine for JavaScript testing?

    To install Jasmine for JavaScript testing, you'll need Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) already installed as prerequisites. Follow these steps:

    1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
    2. Navigate to your project directory where you want to set up Jasmine.
    3. Run the following command to initialize a new npm package if you haven't already:
    npm init
    1. Follow the prompts to create a package.json file, or if you prefer to skip the prompts, use npm init -y for a default setup.
    2. Install Jasmine by running:
    npm install --save-dev jasmine

    This command installs Jasmine as a development dependency and adds it to your package.json file.

    1. Initialize Jasmine in your project, which creates a spec directory and configuration file (jasmine.json) for your tests:
    npx jasmine init
    1. To run Jasmine tests, add a test script to your package.json file:
    "scripts": {
      "test": "jasmine"
    1. Now, you can run your Jasmine tests using:
    npm test

    This setup allows you to write and run Jasmine tests for your JavaScript code. Remember to create your test files in the spec directory with a naming convention like *.spec.js to be recognized by Jasmine.

  • What are the prerequisites for installing Jasmine?

    To install Jasmine, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

    • Node.js: Jasmine requires Node.js to run. Make sure you have the latest stable version installed. You can download it from the official Node.js website.

    • npm (Node Package Manager): npm is included with Node.js and is used to install Jasmine. Verify its installation by running npm -v in your terminal.

    • A JavaScript environment: Jasmine can be used for both browser-based and Node.js applications. Ensure you have a suitable environment set up for your project.

    • A package.json file: If you don't have one in your project, create it by running npm init in your project's root directory. This will manage the project's dependencies.

    Once these prerequisites are met, install Jasmine by running the following command in your terminal:

    npm install --save-dev jasmine

    This will install Jasmine as a development dependency in your project. After installation, initialize Jasmine by running:

    npx jasmine init

    This will set up the basic configuration and directory structure for your tests. You can now start writing your Jasmine tests.

  • How do you set up a basic Jasmine test environment?

    To set up a basic Jasmine test environment, follow these steps:

    1. Install Node.js if it's not already installed. Jasmine requires Node.js to run in a standalone environment.

    2. Install Jasmine globally using npm to make it available from anywhere in your system:

      npm install -g jasmine
    3. Initialize Jasmine in your project directory to create a spec directory and configuration file (jasmine.json):

      jasmine init
    4. Create your first spec file inside the spec directory. Jasmine spec files typically have a .spec.js suffix:

      touch spec/yourTest.spec.js
    5. Write your tests in the spec file using describe and it blocks. Since you're avoiding details on writing tests, we'll skip the content here.

    6. Run your tests by simply executing the jasmine command in your terminal:


    Jasmine will automatically find and execute all spec files matching the pattern defined in the jasmine.json configuration file.

    Remember to manage your project dependencies by creating a package.json file if you plan to use Jasmine with other libraries or integrate it into a larger project. You can do this by running npm init and then installing Jasmine as a development dependency with npm install --save-dev jasmine.

    For continuous integration or to integrate with build tools, you might need to set up additional configurations or scripts in your package.json to ensure Jasmine runs as part of your build process.

Test Writing

  • How do you write a basic test in Jasmine?

    To write a basic test in Jasmine, you'll use the describe and it functions to define a test suite and a spec (test) respectively. Here's a step-by-step guide:

    1. Define a test suite using describe. The first argument is a string that describes the suite, and the second is a function that contains one or more specs.
    describe('My Test Suite', () => {
      // Specs go here
    1. Create a spec within the suite using it. Like describe, it takes a string describing the spec and a function that implements the test.
    it('does something expected', () => {
      // Test implementation goes here
    1. Assert expectations within the spec using expect combined with a matcher function to make an assertion about a value.
    it('adds two numbers correctly', () => {
      let sum = 1 + 2;
    1. Run your tests using the Jasmine command-line tool or by including Jasmine in your HTML file and opening it in a browser.

    Remember to structure your tests to reflect the behavior of the code rather than its implementation details. This makes your tests more resilient to changes in the codebase. Also, keep your specs focused on a single behavior to make it easier to identify issues when a test fails.

  • What is the structure of a Jasmine test?

    The structure of a Jasmine test is composed of suites and specifications. Suites are defined using the describe function, which takes a string and a function. The string is the title of the suite and the function is the block where you can define setup, teardown, and specs.

    Specifications, or specs, are defined using the it function. Each spec represents a single test, with a string explaining what the test should do, and a function containing the test code.

    Within a spec, you use matchers to assert different things about your code. The expect function is used to make an assertion about a value, which is then tested against a matcher.

    Here's a basic structure:

    describe('My Test Suite', () => {
      beforeEach(() => {
        // Setup code before each spec
      afterEach(() => {
        // Teardown code after each spec
      it('does something expected', () => {
      // More specs (it blocks) can follow

    Nested suites are possible by calling describe within another describe. This allows you to create sub-suites for more granular organization of specs.

    Hooks like beforeEach, afterEach, beforeAll, and afterAll are used to set up preconditions and clean up after your tests.

    The it block can also handle asynchronous code by taking a done callback or returning a promise.

    Remember to keep your specs focused and independent to ensure reliable and maintainable tests.

  • How do you use 'describe' and 'it' functions in Jasmine?

    In Jasmine, the describe function is used to group related specs, commonly known as a "suite". It takes two parameters: a string and a function. The string is the title of the suite and the function is the block of code that implements the suite.

    describe('A suite', () => {
      // Specs go here

    The it function is used to define a spec, which is a single test case. It also takes a string and a function. The string is the title of the spec and the function is the test case itself.

    it('contains spec with an expectation', () => {


    • Nesting: describe blocks can be nested within each other to create sub-suites for more granular organization of specs.
    • Scoping: Variables declared in a describe are accessible to any it or beforeEach/afterEach within that suite.
    • Execution: When Jasmine runs, it executes describe blocks in the order they are defined and, within each suite, it blocks are run in the order they are defined.


    describe('A suite of basic functions', () => {
      let num;
      beforeEach(() => {
        num = 5;
      it('can add numbers', () => {
        num += 5;
      it('can subtract numbers', () => {
        num -= 3;

    In this example, beforeEach runs before each it, setting the num variable to 5 before each spec. Each it contains an expectation, which is the actual test assertion.

  • What are 'beforeEach' and 'afterEach' functions in Jasmine and how are they used?

    In Jasmine, beforeEach and afterEach are functions that define code to run before and after each it block within a describe suite. These functions are used to set up preconditions and clean up after tests to ensure a consistent testing environment.

    beforeEach is typically used for setting up the state before each test runs. This might involve initializing variables, creating test fixtures, or resetting the environment to a known state.

    beforeEach(() => {
      // Code to set up the state before each test

    afterEach is used for teardown logic that needs to run after each test completes. This can include releasing resources, cleaning up mock states, or resetting modifications made during the test.

    afterEach(() => {
      // Code to clean up after each test

    These functions help to reduce code duplication and promote separation of concerns by encapsulating setup and teardown logic away from the actual test assertions. They contribute to more maintainable and readable test suites by ensuring each test runs in isolation without unintended side effects from previous tests.

Assertions and Matchers

  • What are Jasmine matchers and how are they used?

    Jasmine matchers are functions that implement boolean comparison between the actual value and the expected value. They are used to write assertions in tests, allowing you to check if certain conditions are met. Matchers are invoked using the expect function, which takes the actual value as an argument, followed by a matcher function that specifies the expected outcome.

    Here's an example of using a matcher:


    In this case, toBe is the matcher that checks if someValue is strictly equal to 42.

    Common matchers include:

    • toBe: Strict equality (===) comparison.
    • toEqual: Deep equality comparison, useful for objects or arrays.
    • toMatch: String matching against a regular expression.
    • toBeDefined: Checks that a variable is not undefined.
    • toBeNull: Checks that a variable is null.
    • toBeTruthy: Checks that a variable is truthy.
    • toBeFalsy: Checks that a variable is falsy.
    • toContain: Checks if an array or string contains a specific item or substring.
    • toBeGreaterThan, toBeLessThan: Numerical comparisons.
    • toThrow: Checks if a function throws an error.

    Custom matchers can also be created to encapsulate repetitive or complex logic. They are added to Jasmine by extending the jasmine.addMatchers method with a matcher object that defines a compare function.

    Matchers are essential for expressing the intent of the test clearly and concisely, making tests easier to read and maintain. They are a core part of the Jasmine framework, providing a rich language for specifying various conditions and expectations in your test cases.

  • How do you create custom matchers in Jasmine?

    Creating custom matchers in Jasmine allows you to express expectations in a more domain-specific way, enhancing the readability and maintainability of your tests. Here's how to define a custom matcher in Jasmine:

    1. Use jasmine.addMatchers to add a new matcher.
    2. Inside jasmine.addMatchers, define an object where the keys are the names of your custom matchers.
    3. Each matcher is a factory function that returns an object with a compare function.
    4. The compare function should return an object with a pass property, which is a boolean indicating if the expectation is met, and an optional message property for custom failure messages.

    Here's an example of a custom matcher that checks if a number is even:

    beforeEach(function() {
        toBeEven: function() {
          return {
            compare: function(actual) {
              const result = {};
              result.pass = actual % 2 === 0;
              if (result.pass) {
                result.message = `Expected ${actual} not to be even`;
              } else {
                result.message = `Expected ${actual} to be even`;
              return result;

    To use this matcher in a test:

    it('is an even number', function() {

    Custom matchers can be reused across different specs by including them in a beforeEach at the top level of your test suite or in a separate file that is included in your test setup.

  • What are the different types of assertions in Jasmine?

    In Jasmine, assertions are made using matchers. A matcher in Jasmine is responsible for checking if a certain condition is true. The different types of assertions, or matchers, provided by Jasmine include:

    • toBe: Checks if the actual value is the same as the expected value (===).
    • toEqual: Checks for equality of the actual and the expected values, including for objects and arrays.
    • toMatch: Checks if a value matches a specified regular expression.
    • toBeDefined: Asserts that a variable is not undefined.
    • toBeUndefined: Asserts that a variable is undefined.
    • toBeNull: Checks if the actual value is null.
    • toBeTruthy: Asserts that the actual value is truthy.
    • toBeFalsy: Asserts that the actual value is falsy.
    • toContain: Checks if an array or string contains a specific item or substring.
    • toBeLessThan: Asserts that a value is less than another.
    • toBeGreaterThan: Asserts that a value is greater than another.
    • toBeCloseTo: Checks if a number is close to another number, within a specified precision.
    • toThrow: Asserts that a function throws an exception.
    • toThrowError: Checks if a function throws a specific type of exception.

    Here is an example of using some matchers in a Jasmine test:

    describe("Different types of matchers in Jasmine", () => {
      it("demonstrates the use of various Jasmine matchers", () => {
        expect("Hello World").toContain("World");
        expect(() => { throw new Error("Error thrown"); }).toThrow();

    These matchers are used within an expect function and are chained with the actual value that is being tested. Matchers are crucial for validating the behavior of the code under test.

Spies and Mocking

  • What are Jasmine spies and how are they used?

    Jasmine spies are functions that record how they are called, allowing you to verify that interactions with them occur as expected. They can be used to track whether a function was called, how many times it was called, with what arguments, and what it returned. Spies can also be used to stub any function and simulate its behavior.

    To create a spy, you use the spyOn function, passing the object and the name of the function you want to spy on:

    spyOn(someObject, 'someFunction');

    If you need to create a spy without an existing function, you can use jasmine.createSpy or jasmine.createSpyObj for multiple functions:

    let mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('mySpy');
    let mySpies = jasmine.createSpyObj('mySpies', ['firstFunction', 'secondFunction']);

    Spies are particularly useful when you want to isolate the unit of work by replacing dependent functions with spies that can be controlled and inspected. They are also handy when you want to prevent the actual implementation of a function from being executed during a test, especially if it's expensive, slow, or has side effects.

    You can set up a spy to return a specific value using .and.returnValue:


    Or to call a fake function:

    mySpy.and.callFake(() => {
      // Fake implementation

    After the test, you can check if the spy was called correctly:


    Spies are essential for maintaining test isolation and ensuring that your tests are not affected by external code or side effects.

  • How do you create a mock in Jasmine?

    Creating a mock in Jasmine involves using spies to track and control the behavior of functions, methods, or objects. Here's a step-by-step guide:

    1. Create a spy for the function you want to mock using spyOn. This replaces the function with a spy that can track calls, arguments, and set return values.
    spyOn(obj, 'methodName');
    1. Configure the spy's behavior using chaining functions like .and.returnValue(), .and.callFake(), or .and.throwError() to control what happens when the method is called.
    // Return a specific value
    spyOn(obj, 'methodName').and.returnValue('mocked value');
    // Provide a fake implementation
    spyOn(obj, 'methodName').and.callFake(() => 'fake implementation');
    // Throw an error
    spyOn(obj, 'methodName').and.throwError('error message');
    1. Create a Jasmine spy object to mock an entire object with multiple methods using jasmine.createSpyObj. This is useful when you need to mock an object with several methods.
    let mockObject = jasmine.createSpyObj('mockObject', ['method1', 'method2']);
    1. Set up return values or implementations for the spy object's methods if needed.
    mockObject.method2.and.callFake(() => 'value2');
    1. Integrate the mock into your test, replacing the real implementation with the mock.

    Remember, mocks created with spies in Jasmine are temporary and will be removed after each test, ensuring test isolation. Use beforeEach to set up mocks for each test if needed.

  • What is the difference between a spy and a mock in Jasmine?

    In Jasmine, spies and mocks serve different purposes for testing.

    A spy is a function that records information about its calls, such as how many times it was called, with what arguments, and what values were returned. Spies can also fake return values or errors, allowing you to simulate behavior without executing the actual code. They are primarily used to gather information about function calls to verify that the functions are being used correctly.

    spyOn(someObject, 'someMethod');

    A mock, on the other hand, is an object that mimics the structure and behavior of a real object, with pre-programmed behavior and expectations. In Jasmine, mocks are often created using spies in combination with other techniques to simulate complex behavior. Mocks are useful when you need to test interactions with an object that would be difficult or impractical to include in your tests, such as an API or a database.

    const mock = jasmine.createSpyObj('mock', ['method1', 'method2']);
    mock.method1.and.returnValue('some value');

    In summary, use a spy when you want to observe an existing function, and use a mock when you need to create a stand-in for an entire object with multiple methods or properties. Both are essential tools in a test automation engineer's toolkit for isolating units of code and verifying interactions between different parts of a system.

Advanced Concepts

  • How do you handle asynchronous testing in Jasmine?

    Handling asynchronous testing in Jasmine involves using the done callback, async/await syntax, or the done.fail function for error handling.

    Using the done callback:

    Jasmine provides a done function that you can call to signal that an asynchronous test or setup/teardown method is complete. Pass done as an argument to the it, beforeEach, or afterEach function, and call it when the asynchronous operation finishes.

    it('should handle async operation', (done) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1000);

    Using async/await:

    With the support for modern JavaScript, you can use async/await for a cleaner syntax. Mark the test function as async, and await the asynchronous calls within it.

    it('should handle async operation with async/await', async () => {
      const result = await someAsyncFunction();

    Error handling with done.fail:

    If an error occurs during an asynchronous operation, you can use done.fail to pass the error to Jasmine, which will then fail the test with the provided error message.

    it('should handle async errors', (done) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        try {
        } catch (error) {
      }, 1000);

    Remember to handle timeouts and ensure that done is called appropriately to avoid false positives where tests pass because done was never invoked.

  • How do you use Jasmine with other libraries or frameworks like Angular or React?

    Integrating Jasmine with frameworks like Angular or React involves setting up a test environment that allows Jasmine to interact with the components or services of these frameworks.

    For Angular, you can use Angular CLI to generate a project with a testing setup that includes Jasmine and Karma. Angular's testing utilities provide ways to test components and services in isolation. Here's a basic example of how you might test a component:

    import { TestBed, async } from '@angular/core/testing';
    import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
    describe('AppComponent', () => {
      beforeEach(async(() => {
          declarations: [
      it('should create the app', () => {
        const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);
        const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;

    For React, you'll typically use Enzyme or React Testing Library alongside Jasmine to render components and handle their interaction with the DOM. You can set up Jasmine with React by configuring your test runner (like Karma) to work with React's JSX syntax. Here's a simple React component test using Jasmine and Enzyme:

    import React from 'react';
    import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
    import MyComponent from './MyComponent';
    describe('<MyComponent />', () => {
      it('renders three <MyComponent /> components', () => {
        const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />);

    In both cases, you'll need to configure your test runner to work with the specific build tools and transpilers (like Webpack and Babel) that are part of your project's stack. This ensures that your tests can understand the module syntax and JSX (for React) used in your application code.

  • What are some best practices for writing tests in Jasmine?

    Best practices for writing tests in Jasmine include:

    • Keep tests isolated: Ensure each test can run independently without relying on the state from another test. Use beforeEach and afterEach to set up and tear down test environments.

    • Write descriptive test cases: Use clear, descriptive names for describe and it blocks to convey the intent of the test suite and individual tests.

    • DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself): Factor out common setup and teardown steps into beforeEach and afterEach blocks. Use helper functions for repetitive tasks.

    • Test one aspect per spec: Each it block should focus on a single behavior or aspect of the code under test.

    • Use Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) language: Write tests that describe the behavior of the feature rather than the implementation details.

    • Assert with clear expectations: Use Jasmine matchers to write assertions that are easy to read and understand. Custom matchers can be created for domain-specific assertions.

    • Handle asynchronous code properly: Use Jasmine's done callback or return a promise to ensure that asynchronous operations complete before evaluating expectations.

    • Avoid testing implementation details: Focus on the public API and expected outcomes rather than the internal workings of a function or component.

    • Keep tests fast: Slow tests can hinder the development process. Optimize tests to run quickly and avoid unnecessary complexity.

    • Structure tests logically: Group related tests using nested describe blocks to create a readable and maintainable test hierarchy.

    • Regularly refactor tests: As the codebase evolves, revisit and refactor tests to ensure they remain effective and do not become flaky or irrelevant.

    describe('MyComponent', () => {
      let component;
      beforeEach(() => {
        component = new MyComponent();
      it('should initialize with default values', () => {
      // More tests...
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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.