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Playwright & Circle CI Integration | Playwright Tutorial - Part 85

Hello :), in this video we'll learn how to integrate the Playwright tests in the Circle CI pipeline.

The video tutorial explains how to run test scripts in the Circle CI pipeline. The tutorial covers several steps:

  1. Creating a configuration file (config.yaml) that will be understood by Circle CI.
  2. Making changes to the playwright config file to specify test scripts.
  3. Making changes to the package.json file to install dependencies and invoke the test scripts.
  4. Setting up the project in Circle CI by linking it to the GitHub repository and configuring triggers.
  5. Running the test scripts in the Circle CI pipeline and generating test reports.

The tutorial guides viewers through each step and provides code snippets and explanations for each configuration. It also demonstrates how to view and interpret the test reports generated by Circle CI.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.