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Playwright Explicit Wait | Alert | Playwright Tutorial Part 54

Playwright mostly manages the auto wait, but sometimes we have to deal with the waits. for that, we are going to learn the explicit wait in playwright.

In this video blog post, Kaushik discusses the concept of explicit wait in Playwright. He explains how Playwright can handle most waits internally, but there are certain scenarios where explicit wait needs to be implemented.

Kaushik focuses on one specific topic in the video, which is how to wait for an alert. He demonstrates an example where he clicks on a button on a website, which triggers an alert after a few seconds. He explains that simply accepting the alert within the click action will result in a failure.

To solve this, Kaushik introduces the explicit wait concept in Playwright using the waitForEvent function. He explains that by using this function after the click action, the test will wait for the alert event to trigger before executing the rest of the code.

Kaushik provides code examples and walks through the implementation of explicit wait in Playwright. He concludes by reiterating the importance of using explicit wait in scenarios where alerts or other events take time to appear.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.