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Playwright Allure Report | Playwright Tutorial - Part 38

Finally, it is here!

The video tutorial by Kaushik walks through the process of integrating the Allure report into existing code using Playwright. To begin, the video instructs to update the package.json file to include version 1.13.0 of Playwright and add the experimental allure-playwright dependency. Once the dependencies are updated, the terminal is used to install the latest dependencies.

Next, the video explains how to add the allure reporter feature to the playwrightconfig.ts file. Within the reporter array, a new array is added for "experimental allure-playwright".

The video then demonstrates how to run the tests and generate the Allure report. The terminal command "npm run test" is used to run the tests and generate the results. Once the tests are completed, an allure-results folder is created.

To view the Allure report, the video suggests using the "allure serve" command in the terminal. This opens the Allure report in the browser and displays the test results. The video also mentions that the Allure report cannot be shared directly due to cross-origin policy restrictions, but suggests using a hosting service such as Netlify.

The tutorial then explains how to configure the Allure report to include screenshots and traces for failed tests. This is done by adding the "screenshot" and "trace" options to the playwrightconfig.ts file.

The video concludes by mentioning that the Allure report can also be grouped based on scenarios using the "describe" function. Finally, a recap is given, summarizing the steps to integrate the Allure report into existing code using Playwright.

Overall, the video provides a comprehensive guide on how to integrate the Allure report into Playwright tests and customize the report with additional features like screenshots and traces.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.