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typescript issues when a fixture extends a fixture

wickynilliamsposted in #help-playwright
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hi all, i have a base fixture which configures some global bits like an authenticated user. in some cases i want to extend that base fixture to test some edge cases, e.g. an unautheticated user. consider the following

import { test as base } from '@playwright/test'

type BaseFixture = {
  user: { firstName: string; lastName: string }

const myFixture = base.extend<BaseFixture>({
  user: {
    firstName: 'Nick',
    lastName: 'Williams',

i would then extend my fixture like so:

const myOtherFixture = myFixture.extend({
   // Type '{ firstName: string; lastName: string; }' is not assignable to type 'undefined'
  user: {
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',

the problem is that i get a confusing typescript error as shown above. after some trial and error i notice that i can make this error go away by explicitly passing the generic type parameter to extend:

const myOtherFixture = myFixture.extend<BaseFixture>({
  user: {
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',

am i doing something wrong to trigger the TS error? is this a bug in playwright? or is it expected that you always explicitly pass the type param (in which case, should it be made non-optional)?

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7 replies

typescript issues when a fixture extends a fixture


Is there anything wrong with passing in the BaseFixture type parameter? I am relatively new to Typescript so I have experienced the same behaviour and wondered as well


nothing wrong per se. but i would hope for either a better error message (why does TS think the type is undefined?) or that the type parameter be made mandatory


maybe i will raise an issue on github. if i'm not the only one hitting this issue, it's probably worth a more formal discussion


Answer from ChatGPT:


I think the Typescript compiler has trouble inferring the type of myFixture when extending it


so explicitly specifying it when calling .extend tells the compiler what type it is

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