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How to assert phone message

Anyone have a solution to assert the content of short message on phone with PW? Do you have a tool that I can use to assert messzage xith API ?

This thread is trying to answer question "How to assert the content of short message on phone with PW?"

14 replies

by short message you mean sms? or something else?

I use mailslurp for the mail

but I need a service for SMS

You need a way to catch them, I suggest to use a server to which you redirect all messages from your environment. And give yourself access to it either by api or from the UI

yeap, best practise is not to test actual sms and rather send messages somewhere you can catch and read

but mailinator or similar services also offer sms testing in addition to email testing

that what I am looking for

Any tools in mind ?

@atemor: Atemor, att Verizon and Tmobile allowed to send sms to email address. See if they still allow it will come in as sms .

Atemor, att Verizon and Tmobile allowed to send sms to email address. See if they still allow it will come in as sms .

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].