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Xrm in Playwright tests

Heya, I am trying to run tests for MS CRM 2016 with api v8.2 How can I use Xrm object in my tests? When I open browser and start typing Xrm to the console I am getting an object. thanks everyone


This thread is trying to answer question "How can I use Xrm object in my Playwright tests for MS CRM 2016 with API v8.2?"

4 replies

You would need xrm node.js library if there is one

Playwright tests are running on node.js process, not in the browser.

You may also get xrm through js evaluation, like in the examples here https://playwright.dev/docs/evaluating#evaluation-argument

There is xrm/types which i included in project but don't know how to initialize it. It's somehow working in different framework d365 ui test but the playwright page was not working in here also this fw is from api v9 above


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