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In playwright.config.ts, what value should I put for 'projects', if I'm doing API testing?

joedefilippoposted in #help-playwright
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Chromium, firefox, and webkit are the defaults enabled, but none of those really make sense in the context of API testing.

This thread is trying to answer question "In playwright.config.ts, what value should I put for 'projects', if I'm doing API testing?"

3 replies

Hi, you can use projects in whichever way you like. For example by having projects per browser, or projects per suite (like smoke, full regression, etc.), or projects per environment.

And it's also possible to just not have any projects at all.


Project dependencies might still be useful though for some kind of global setup and teardown tests: https://playwright.dev/docs/test-global-setup-teardown#option-1-project-dependencies

thank you!

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