I'm trying to launch firefox using the args below, but it only works using chromium, the window size and position is important to my code, how do I do that? It also has to be firefox.
import { firefox } from 'playwright-extra'
await firefox
headless: false,
args: ['--window-size=800,600', '--window-position=1921,0']
This thread is trying to answer question "How can I launch Firefox on playwright-extra with specific arguments for window size and position?"
basically https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox/CommandLineOptions are the command lines for firefox and do not include window size and position?
Will emulating viewport size help? https://playwright.dev/docs/codegen#emulate-viewport-size
I was using viewport size in the page, but the window position is even more important to me, any ideas? thinking about a windows software to help me out with the window position, I tried to test using any other browser and its not working for what I need, I really needed firefox + window position
thank you brother, I will try to use those args later on and work on something for the position, thinking about https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v1/lib/WinMove.htm
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