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How to toggle 'Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage' advanced setting in webkit?

I need to run a test where the option to press TAB and highlight the item is turned on. How do I do this? Is there a flag with which this can be done or do I need to set this inside the test? How do I set this option?


This thread is trying to answer question "How to enable the option to press TAB and highlight the item in a test?"

3 replies

Maybe you can do with the highligth element in playwright

@apis3445 Highlight is more for debuggering to let you visually see what the screen element is for the locator in question...

In debug mode the element is highlihgted that is the question what do you suggest @dand33 ? Another option is manually add some border to the focused element but both options are a bit complex if the element has the same border color that you add or the same color do highlighted if the question is related to accessibility you can use the insights accessibility extensión Firefox with developer accessibility tools enabled includes something similar

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