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Is it possible to create a python wheel with a PEP 600 compliant platform compatibility tag for x86?

justinhnatow_61676posted in #help-playwright
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I'm using pants to build a pex file for a binary that includes playwright. When specifying the platforms for the pex, I'm using a platform compability tag of manylinux_2_17_x86_64-cp-310-cp310 (https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/platform-compatibility-tags/#platform-compatibility-tags). It appears that the only x86 linux wheel available uses a PEP 513 tag for linux - manylinux1 . From a thread (https://github.com/microsoft/playwright-python/issues/688), it looks like this may be due to linux support of 2-3 versions of ubuntu. I'm wondering if it's possible to build a wheel with a PEP 600 compatible platform comatibility tag for x86 seeing as the thread is from ~2 years ago. Thanks!

This thread is trying to answer question "Is it possible to create a python wheel with a PEP 600 compliant platform compatibility tag for x86?"

2 replies

Is it possible to create a python wheel with a PEP 600 compliant platform compatibility tag for x86?


i figured out a solution to this by specifying a more generic platform of linux_x86_64-cp-310-cp310. thanks anyway!

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