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I want to store screenshots in a different place, such as JFrog Artifactory or an AWS S3 bucket

fyodorovandreiposted in #help-playwright
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Are there any existing solutions? If not, what is the best way to start? Is playwright plugin an option? Is there an API available to detect when a screenshot was generated?

This thread is trying to answer question "What is the best way to store screenshots in a different place, such as JFrog Artifactory or an AWS S3 bucket, and are there any existing solutions or APIs to detect when a screenshot was generated?"

2 replies

Best way to start is to look into custom reporters https://playwright.dev/docs/test-reporters#custom-reporters. If you will want to take artifacts from html report data folder then you'll need to use onExit() method, otherwise if you want to take artifacts from test-results then I think you could do that onTestEnd.

Not sure if there are existing solutions though.

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