
What tools does Playwright offer for profiling and debugging tests?


Sure, let's dive into profiling a test in Playwright.

Trace Viewer

Playwright's Trace Viewer is your go-to tool. It gives you a detailed trace of your test, allowing you to click through each action or hover over the timeline to see the state of the page before and after the action. You can inspect the log, source, and network during each step of the test.

To open a trace, click on the trace icon next to the test name file name in Playwright's HTML report. Or, open the detailed view of the test and scroll down to 'Traces' tab and open a trace by clicking on its screenshot.

VS Code Extension

Another handy tool is the VS Code extension. It allows debugging tests right within VS Code. You can see error messages, create breakpoints, and live debug your tests. If your test fails, VS Code will show error messages right in the editor.

You can also debug your tests live in VS Code by running them with the Show Browser option checked. Then, click on any locators within VS code which will highlight them within the browser window. You can even edit locators directly from within VS code while running/debugging your tests.


Finally, Playwright's auto-generated testing feature, "CodeGen", is a great way to quickly generate new tests based on user actions performed while browsing web pages.

That's it! Now you're ready to profile your tests in Playwright. Happy testing!

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.