
What are some best practices for implementing a Page Object Model in Playwright?


Implementing Page Object Model with Playwright

To implement a page object model, start by creating a class for each page of your application. Each class should contain locators and helper methods specific to that page. For instance, for a "user" page, you could create a UserPage class with locators for elements like the greeting message.

Use TypeScript's type system to declare the types of your fixtures. This helps avoid potential errors and ensures your tests are properly typed. Export these fixtures using the test module from @playwright/test.

Remember to follow best practices. Test user-visible behavior, not implementation details. Each test should run independently, with its own local storage, session storage, data, and cookies. This improves reproducibility and makes debugging easier.

Use before and after hooks in your test file to avoid repetition and keep tests isolated.

By implementing a page object model and following these best practices, you'll ensure your tests are reliable and maintainable. For more tips, check out Mastering Playwright Test Automation: Your Comprehensive Cheat Sheet.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.