
How do I use a function within the setup() in @playwright/test?


Sure, you can call a function inside the setup() function in @playwright/test. The global setup file should export a single function that takes a config object. This function is run once before all tests. You can pass data like port number, authentication tokens, and more from your global setup to your tests using environment variables.

Here's how you can do it. First, define your function in the global-setup.ts file. Let's say you want to authenticate once and reuse the authentication state in tests. You could define an async function called "authenticate" that performs this action.

async function authenticate() {
  // Your authentication logic here

Then, call it within the globalSetup() function.

export default async function globalSetup() {
  await authenticate();
  // Other setup logic

Remember, any functions called within setup() will only be executed once before all tests are run. If you need to perform actions before each individual test, you should use fixtures instead.

So, calling functions inside setup() is possible and can be handy for performing actions that need to happen before all tests are run. But, it's crucial to carefully consider what actions should be performed here versus in fixtures or individual test functions for optimal organization and efficiency of your testing codebase.


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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.