
How do I set a global timeout for assertions in Playwright when using Cucumber and JavaScript?


Configuring Global Expect Timeout in Playwright

You can easily adjust the global expect timeout in Playwright when working with Cucumber and JavaScript. This is done by modifying the playwright.config.ts file in your project.

First, find or create the playwright.config.ts file in your project's root directory.

Next, import the necessary modules:

import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';

Then, you'll want to export a default configuration object using defineConfig(). This is where you can set various properties for your tests. To specifically change the global expect timeout, add an expect property and set its timeout value to your desired duration in milliseconds:

export default defineConfig({
  expect: {
    timeout: 10000 // Set your desired timeout value here (e.g., 10 seconds)

This sets a new global timeout for all assertions made using Playwright's expect functions. The example above sets it to 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds), but feel free to adjust this value as needed.

Once you've made these changes, save and close the playwright.config.ts file. Now, whenever you use Playwright's expect functions in your Cucumber tests, they will follow this new global timeout setting.

Remember, if an assertion takes longer than the specified duration to complete, it will result in a test failure. So, adjust the value according to your needs. If you need more specific guidance, don't hesitate to consult the official documentation or community resources.


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