This thread is trying to answer question ""
You can also use CDP to get your performance timings:
I was thinking about using web performance APIs alongside Playwright, and my plan looked something like this. But it turns out that the navigation API I had in mind is no longer supported. I tried searching for an alternative but came up empty-handed; there doesn't seem to be any documentation on it.
const time = performance.timing;
return time.loadEventStart - time.navigationStart;
await page.goto('')
const performanceTimingJson = await page.evaluate(() => JSON.stringify(window.performance.timing))
const performanceTiming = JSON.parse(performanceTimingJson)
const startToInteractive = performanceTiming.domInteractive - performanceTiming.navigationStart
console.log(`Navigation start to DOM interactive: ${startToInteractive}ms`)
Yep, I've got this page, and the navigationStart is the part that's no longer supported
It suggests to use
This might be helpful Thank you @tphillips8117
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