@automationpanda We spoke briefly at Star West regarding firefox issues.
Hello all,
Website: https://terckert.github.io/pw-firefox-test/ Code: https://github.com/terckert/pw-firefox-test
The live environment I'm testing has an iframe that contains a button that opens a pop-up containing an upload element. On clicking the save button, it handles the upload, closes the popup, and refreshes the iframe. I have simplified an approximation of the live environment found at the link above and included a playwright test that I wrote to highlight the issue I'm having:
The test runs fine on safari, chromium, msedge, google chrome, but fails on firefox with the following:
This thread is trying to answer question "Why does the test script fail to interact with a button in a popup window on Firefox and how can this issue be resolved?"
this code works:
Can you log a bug here: https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues
Ticket opened at https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/27543
Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.