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Disabling geolaction with "---deny-permision-prompts"

test.only('should continue to fill in the user details for the third step', async ({ page }) => {

const browser=awaitchromium.launch({ args: ['--deny-permission-prompts'] });


awaitpage.fill('input#promo-code', 'TEST');

awaitpage.locator('player-button#submit-promo-code').click(); awaitpage.waitForLoadState('load');


awaitpage.fill('input#ssn-digits', '7777');

awaitpage.locator('#next-button-step3').getByRole('button', { name:'Next' }).click(); expect(currentUrl).toContain('/sign-up');

awaitpage.getByLabel('Address', { exact:true }).fill('1234 test lo');

awaitpage.getByRole('button', { name:'Add Address Manually' }).click({ force:true }); awaitpage.getByLabel('Address line 2').click(); awaitpage.getByLabel('City').click(); awaitpage.getByLabel('City').fill('vienns'); awaitpage.getByLabel('State').selectOption('AL'); awaitpage.getByLabel('Zip Code').click(); awaitpage.getByLabel('Zip Code').fill('00001');

awaitpage.locator('.wrapper > .selected').click();

awaitpage.getByText('Austria').click(); awaitpage.locator('#phone-number-input').click(); awaitpage.locator('#phone-number-input').fill('6604999589'); awaitpage.getByRole('button', { name:'Create Account' }).click(); awaitpage.goto('https://localhost:3002/login.html');



Hi I am having issues with geolocation, I have tried to disbale prompts as per the some suggestions and it still seems to popup, what am I missing?

This thread is trying to answer question "Why are geolocation prompts still appearing despite trying to disable them with '--deny-permission-prompts'?"

3 replies

You might need to enable the permission to have the prompt disappear?


not sure

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