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please how i can a select a country in dropdown menu for registration since the country is down belo

i've tried to select option after clicking but it's still not working

This thread is trying to answer question "How can I select a country in a dropdown menu for registration?"

10 replies


please how i can a select a country in dropdown menu for registration since the country is down belo

You could take a value as locator, and filter by text eg. page.locator('some-locator', {hasText: 'the value that you need'})

i have to click on the option before selecting i guess @_flevi

is it good to use playwriht codegen

codegen is a starting point, but from there you need to refine it you should try something like:

  1. page.locator('#dropdown-id').click() to open it
  2. page.locator(''probably-some-li', {hasText: 'the value that you need'}).click() to select it The value should be either in a <li>, <div>, <p>... depending on the type of dropdown identefy that and you can filter by text



@_godsown: Don't ping everyone, and be patient! 😄

Don't ping everyone, and be patient! 😄

First check that the options in the dropdown is lazyload or what? because playwright can't select it if it lazyload and then you should make a scroll for it to be visible then select

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