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How do others go back and view an old test run?

I'm curious if i'm missing something simple, i run my tests, if in docker i'll see the href to view on localhost;port. but seem that is only possible without ending the tests altogether. I see comments about using trace.playwright.dev, but security would say don't put anything up there.

How do people go back to view past test runs? I'm thinking the last test run. I run a bunch of test may take a few hours may get some errors but oops windows update must apply,.. But how can i easily get the results from the last run?

Also while the html report is nice, haven't seen where i can get a summary for each test why it failed for example screenshots or ? Without opening each failure and viewing it. Worse case did write a tool to scrap the test results, can live with that but not sure how to get the result for the last test run once i loose it. From what i can see i have all the setting in the pw.config to always save, retain-on-error is what i have have set and if/when there is an error, can see it but once i end the run ctrl-c, the report is forever gone...

This thread is trying to answer question "How do people go back to view past test runs and get a summary for each test, including why it failed?"

8 replies
  1. trace.playwright.dev does not send anything to the internet
  2. How do people go back to view past test runs usually store them as CI artifacts or elsewhere to access them later on
  3. Also while the html report is nice, haven't seen where i can get a summary for each test why it failed for example screenshots html report is kind of a summary with screenshots, videos and traces unless you configured to not record those things

It is also possible to create your own reporter to suits your needs; or you can look for 3rd party reporters

Thanks @skorp32, i did get something to at least get the info if i view the report, heck it is a web page, so i launch the report and then have a program to scrap off the info 🙂 I might be old fashioned as long as i can get the test variation and info detailed in the PW error info i'm happy.

Hmm while does get me thinking why there isn't a preserve test results that saves all the error/report info to easily get all the relevant information...

where should it save it? what kind of information?

I think your use case is unusual hence there is no built-in functionality that you want

That seems like what a lot of people will do, espectially when developing new tests. Run some tests locally, and look at the results. Would think it would be easy enought to change the output folder from playwright-results to pw-results-MMDDYYYYHHMM, and be done with it...?

If you’re using CLI to run tests then its easy to change output dir on each run

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].