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Unable to find locator with click.

bhushan.trivediposted in #help-playwright
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unable to find element and timedout in terminal mode and my test case failed due to xpatch locator not find but when i do console.log element of xapath it finds the element please help to solve this problem.


This thread is trying to answer question "Why am I unable to find an element and experiencing a timeout in terminal mode, causing my test case to fail due to an xpath locator not being found, and how can I solve this problem?"

3 replies

You can try installing selectorsHub(chrome add on), then you can try your xpaths and CSS selectors there. Really easy and intuitive.

@bhushan.trivedi: Hey @bhushan.trivedi kindly increase ur test time out in playwright.config.ts file

Hey @bhushan.trivedi kindly increase ur test time out in playwright.config.ts file

Its occuring bec the test time out u mentioned is very less ...but its taking more than what u have expected

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