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Error: The action has timed out. (no tests run in CI)

Has anyone ever run into this on Github? This is the entirety of the test run:

> env-cmd -f .env.dev nx e2e core-e2e:e2e:ci --spec 'apps/core-e2e/src/integration/core/*' --browser chromium

> nx run core-e2e:e2e --spec apps/core-e2e/src/integration/core/* --browser chromium

Running 34 tests using 1 worker
Error: The action has timed out.

This test suite runs fine locally, but for some reason has recently stopped working completely in the Github action.

This thread is trying to answer question "Why has a test suite that runs fine locally stopped working in the Github action with the error message 'The action has timed out'?"

3 replies

Are the test using some local serve or some base url that is not set? I can run test in github without any issue

The URL is set. They're supposed to run against our dev environment. But now they don't even start up. Maybe a resource issue? We're only using one worker at the moment.

Do you config to add screenshots or videos when tests fails? Is playwright with ta?

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].