I have a test case that is checking 3 things (single selection single upload).
The upload span psuedo-button (doesn't use an html input) itself is on a new page that gets generated when clicking a link from the main body so the page is generated fresh each time I select it. I've written the following function:
async function uploadFilesUsingFilechooser (logger, page, locator, filepath) {
// Logging filepaths passed by the caller
if (filepath.length == 1) {
filepath = filepath[0];
logger("Single file: " + filepath);
} else {
let i = 0;
logger('Files to be uploaded: ');
for (var file in filepath) {
const msg = "File" + ++i + ": " + file;
// Logging selector passed by the caller.
logger("Locator: " + locator)
try {
const fileChooserPromise = page.waitForEvent('filechooser');
await page.locator(locator).click();
const fileChooser = await fileChooserPromise;
await fileChooser.setFiles(filepath);
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
return "Success";
The problem is it works great the first time, but any other times that it runs it fails with the following (even though the uploader page has not changed):
fileChooser.setFiles: Protocol error (Page.describeNode): error in channel "content::6442450948/6442450985/55": exception while running method "describeNode" in namespace "page": frame.domWindow() is undefined _describeNode@chrome://juggler/content/content/PageAgent.js:419:30
Any help would be appreciated.
This thread is trying to answer question "Why does the function that calls waitForEvent('filechooser') fail on subsequent runs and how can it be fixed?"
Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].