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Playwright + MSW issues with Nodejs 18

edwinotalvaroposted in #help-playwright
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I have been using playwright-msw in a project but after the migration to nodejs 18, it stopped working.

We had to use a msw 'next' version because they don't have plans to support it on 1.x versions https://github.com/mswjs/msw/issues/1388#issuecomment-1617573863 but that next version introduced an error in the 'playwright-msw' dependency we are using.

I tried to fork the 'playwright-msw' repo and follow the msw migration guide https://github.com/mswjs/msw/blob/feat/standard-api/MIGRATING.md#migration-guide to make 'playwright-msw' support nodejs 18 but I faced a few blockers.

Has anyone here had to do something similar or have any recommendations on how to solve this problem?


This thread is trying to answer question "Has anyone had to do something similar or have any recommendations on how to solve this problem with playwright-msw and nodejs 18?"

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