Hi everyone ! On the documentation, there is an explanation about how to handle multiusers, especially here : https://playwright.dev/docs/auth#testing-multiple-roles-with-pom-fixtures
But I was wondering if anyone had an example to do so by offering a method to select the desired user so that instead of having :
test('admin and user', async ({ adminPage, userPage }) => {
// ... interact with both adminPage and userPage ...
await expect(adminPage.greeting).toHaveText('Welcome, Admin');
await expect(userPage.greeting).toHaveText('Welcome, User');
We could have :
test('admin and user', async ({ pageFrom }) => {
// ... interact with both adminPage and userPage ...
await expect(pageFrom('admin').greeting).toHaveText('Welcome, Admin');
await expect(pageFrom('user').greeting).toHaveText('Welcome, User');
The problem I am having is that I'm not sure how to create my fixture to reach this goal... Thank your for your incoming help 🙂
This thread is trying to answer question "How can I create a fixture in Playwright to handle multiusers and offer a method to select the desired user?"
something like this based on example, not sure if everything is correct
pageFrom: async ({ browser }, use) => {
let context: BrowserContext
const callback = async (type: 'user' | 'admin') => {
context = await browser.newContext({ storageState: `playwright/.auth/${type}.json` })
if (type === 'admin') {
return new AdminPage(await context.newPage())
return new UserPage(await context.newPage())
await use(callback)
await context.close()
test('Some test', async ({ pageFrom }) => {
await expect((await pageFrom('user')).greeting).toHaveText('Welcome, User')
Thanks for your answer :). I already made something very very close to this ^^. But as I met similar issue with your code, I wanted to have a very naïve approach, which resulted in similar issue : I haveto check for path to exists, which is weird as this isn't needed in docs. Maybe I'm missing something ? Does it makes sense to you ?
Also, it just doesn't work in real testing scenario :(.
export const test = base.extend<E2eUserPagesFixture>({
pageFrom: async ({ browser }, use) => {
let context: BrowserContext
await use(async (username: E2EUsername) => {
context = await browser.newContext()
const path = `playwright/.auth/${username}.json`
const userPage = new UserPage(await context.newPage(), username)
const hasStorageState = fs.existsSync(path)
if (hasStorageState) {
return userPage
await userPage.login()
context.storageState({ path })
return userPage
await context!.close()
test.beforeEach(async ({ pageFrom }) => {
await (await pageFrom('default')).page.goto('/somewhere')
await Promise.all([
await (await pageFrom('default')).page.waitForResponse((resp) => resp.url().includes('/abc')),
await (await pageFrom('default')).page.waitForResponse((resp) => resp.url().includes('/def')),
In the examples it is assumed that you run setup beforehand which will populate both those storage state files, https://playwright.dev/docs/auth#multiple-signed-in-roles
Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].