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Strong pattern to check for loading and error states

Hello.. I'm testing lots of small SPAs, and I'm struggling to come up with a strong pattern to handle loading/error/success states. Currently I have a pretty simple approach where I check for an error state:

error_dialog = page.locator('.error-dialog')
if error_dialog.is_visible():
  # handle specific error state

What would be a strong pattern to handle loading and error states throughout a playwright script run? Ideally with a way to just wait for the loading state to clear before then checking for error or success states? Do I wrap the entire script in a giant try/except block?

Curious to see how others are handling what must be a pretty common use case.

EDIT: This is for an automation script, not a pytest script.

Thanks in advance!

This thread is trying to answer question "What would be a strong pattern to handle loading and error states throughout a playwright script run?"

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