Hi there,
I'd like to know about the attachments in the Azure Devops pipeline result. (https://dev.azure.com/someproject/somename/_build/results?buildId=1). I use the JUnit report and here is part of my .yml file:
- task: PublishTestResults@2
continueOnError: true
testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
testResultsFiles: '**/test-results.xml'
displayName: 'Publish test results'
after running the tests I have the next result in the 'Attachments' tab: [[ATTACHMENT|../test-results/testname-chromium/test-failed-1.png]]
(see the snapshot) but I want to see the screenshot as it is.
Could somebody advise the way how to handle with this?
This thread is trying to answer question "How can I display the attachment for the result of the pipeline in Azure Devops?"
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