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Custom Reporter logging passed through parameters

garland2953posted in #help-playwright
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Hi, I am trying to reimplement a reporter I wrote for codeceptJs as I migrate over to playwright. This reporter was logging every step of a test with the parameters passed through the step. I am unable to replicate this functionality however in playwright using these docs for reference https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-reporter . I am only able to get the step.title, and this unforunately doesn't provide the parameters passed through. e.g await page.getByPlaceholder("DD").fill("12"); when logged by steps.title I only see page.getByPlaceholder("DD").fill

This thread is trying to answer question "How can I replicate the functionality of logging every step of a test with the parameters passed through the step in Playwright, similar to what I had in CodeceptJs?"

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