Hello! For those coming from Cypress -> Playwright, curious if they saw themselves more productive with playwright? If so, how much and why? Example: Playwright increase my productivity by x% because of xyz?
I’m evaluating Playwright and we currently use Cypress and am looking for some rough datapoints.
This thread is trying to answer question "Does Playwright make you more productive than Cypress?"
I’m trying to quantify productivity. I can easily show that playwright is faster which is great but it’s hard to quantify how much more productive something is although I can show this I am having trouble quantifying it.
I've never used Cypress, while i've watch a view videos going over PW vs Cypress. Was surprised to hear at least the version they were comparing in the videos, multiple tabs, can Cypress even handle them now? The other huge issue for me is handling the Shadow Dom? Productivity is one thing, but without the functionality to even do things, productivity goes out the window?
Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].