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i cant click the dropdown tool for my website

for some reasons i cant clikc on the drop down tool on my website while im using the codegen record function but when i stopped the recording it works. is there a way to do this?


This thread is trying to answer question "Why can't the user click on the dropdown tool on their website while using the codegen record function?"

4 replies

but when instead of clicking them if i use enter it works


im confused

Seems odd, is your drop down button correctly listening to click events, and has a isClickable state ?

@_az8th_: i think so? cuz it work when its not recording but when its recordng it dont work

i think so? cuz it work when its not recording but when its recordng it dont work

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].