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Help to visualize Playwright stats in Grafana with influx DB

_vibhanshu_posted in #help-playwright
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Has anyone experimented with sending playwright stats to influx DB and then further visualize with Grafana ? I don't find anything in the official doc.

let me if someone has boilerplate code or framework then let me know

This thread is trying to answer question "Has anyone experimented with sending playwright stats to influx DB and then further visualize with Grafana?"

4 replies

Even if its any other DB that also can help

That’s a pretty complex case that most TAE/SEiT don’t work with. I have playwright grafana monitoring myself but most infra stuff was brought up by devops so I couldn’t walk you through the implementation even if I wanted to.

Your best bet is to look in stackoverflow or other resources and split your question in couple parts:

  • how to send data from node to influx db
  • how to visualise data in grafana from influx db source

Well, I came across an article to send the metric and visualize the e2e dashboard with Grafana, allure, Prometheus. If you’re interested in https://codecept.discourse.group/t/building-e2e-dashboard-using-codeceptjs-allure-grafana-prometheus/1248/1

Here it is using the CodeceptJS but still the metrics could be the same if you’re using allure report.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email luc@ray.run.