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Headed Browser without having XServer running.

BootieClapperposted in #help-playwright
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Hi all, I'm completely new to playwright. I'm trying to run a headed test to see the browser do its thing but I keep getting this error (image attached) and can't seem to figure out a solution. The test works fine when I make it headless: true or use that xvfb-run command but fails when headless: false.


This thread is trying to answer question "How can I run a headed test in playwright without XServer?"

2 replies

You won’t be able to run tests in headed without xvfb. If your intention is to see what’s happening in browser, headless mode is fine, you could record a video or trace to see what’s happening in the tests in headless mode


Okay thank you.

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Rayrun is a community for QA engineers. I am constantly looking for new ways to add value to people learning Playwright and other browser automation frameworks. If you have feedback, email [email protected].