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Playwright with Cucumber or playwright runner itself

Hi. What is the best to use with Playwright? Is using cucumber runner along with playwright is a good option. One of the teams in which I am implementing playwright is too used to Cucumber and want to only work with it. Can any direct me to a repo which have working examples of cucumber runner.

This thread is trying to answer question "What is the best to use with Playwright? Is using cucumber runner along with playwright a good option?"

1 reply

Hi! It depends on many factors. I think you can try different approaches to find the suitable one for you. Here is an article about integrating Playwright into Cucumber runner: https://medium.com/@manabie/how-to-use-playwright-in-cucumberjs-f8ee5b89bccc On the other hand, there is an integration of Cucumber BDD tests into Playwright runner: https://github.com/vitalets/playwright-bdd

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